Someone like you

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Thanks   fireeeeanddddiceeee for the title of this one shot :) I really hope you like it. 

Hello my name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. A few years ago I was struck by lightning and now I'm working together with my two best friends Cisco Ramon and Catlin Snow at Star labs. There we study meta humans, who are people with special powers. Due to me being struck by lightning, i've gained a lot of powers, such as speed, body vibration, electokinesis, Enhanced streng, aerokinesis, and a lot more.

The Flash Team is composed by Caitlin Snow, has the power of ice so her "alter ego" is called Killer Frost, Cisco, that is Vibe, who can predict a bit of the future and see the past. Harry Wells, that helps us solve the most problems related to chemistry and physics. And then we have Joe, who helps us more on the basis of police power, whenever they have a warning of a crime that does not seem at the normal beginning, he calls us to see if there is a possibility of being a meta-human .

Despite having a very troubled and sad childhood, due to the death of my mother, at the hands of Reverse Flash, to the arrest of my father, who is accused of my mother's murder, today I am a very happy man. I have been in a relationship with the woman of my life, Caitlin Snow for about two and a half years and today will be an extremely special day, because today is the day I am going to propose.

I already had everything planned ... I already have the ring in my coat pocket, I already have the chosen location and I even thought about the clothes that I will wear, but for everything to go well, I would need the help of a very special person, namely my best friend Cisco. As soon as I saw that Caitlin was busy, I went to Cisco and told him what I was planning to do tonight and of course he agreed to help me without a second thought.

The plan would be to make the marriage proposal here in the laboratory, because it was the place where we met and I think there is no better place for this moment, but for that I needed Cisco to help me decorate it. I took advantage of the fact that Caitlin was going to dinner with Iris, who was also helping me, and Cisco and I stayed in the lab to prepare things.

The first thing to do was to tell the two security guards what was going to happen here tonight, because after all we are getting in the way of their working hours a little bit and after that, I went to buy roses, because I wanted to spread some petals around the room control. While I went to buy the flowers, Cisco went to the armament room to get some LED lamps.

As soon as I got back to Star labs, we started decorating this room. The arrangement with Iris was that as soon as things were done here, I would text her and she would find an excuse to bring Cailtin here. As both she and Cisco wanted to attend the marriage proposal, I told them that they could go to the room where security guards work, as they had access to all the surveillance cameras that exist in this laboratory.

"Do you think this is going to go well?" I asked after we had finished placing the lamps around the room.

- Of course it will, you two love each other and it is obvious that this would happen sooner or later. I just didn't know it was going to be this soon!

- Do you think it's too early for this step? What if she doesn't accept? What if she finishes me off because of this?

- And if the world ends in five minutes ... And if an explosion happens that will kill the entire population of this city ... Don't think about the ifs ... She loves you as much as you love her and I'm sure that she will accept the marriage proposal.

- You're right, maybe I'm complicating everything ... But what do you want, I'm very nervous!

- I know, but you have to believe that everything will go as you want.

It was eight forty-five when we finished decorating the control room and I sent a message to Iris saying that when they wanted they could show up. She replied that they were paying for the order but as soon as they arrived at the entrance to the building, she would send me a message to let me know. Cisco went to the room where security guards work, because he didn't want Caitlin to see him when she arrived, leaving me alone in this huge room.

The next few minutes felt like years, but ten minutes later I received a message from Iris saying that they had just parked and were going to enter. I adjusted my clothes again and put my hand back in my coat pocket, just to make sure the ring was here and waited for Caitlin to come through that door.

Seconds later, I started to hear steps coming in this direction and I knew that they could only be Caitlin's, as Iris was going to be with Cisco and the security guards.

- Wow, but what is this? - Caitlin asked admiring the room and only later noticed that I was here. - What are you doing here? Aren't you going to have dinner with Cisco? And why is the room so decorated? Did you do this?

- Easy ... One question at a time. Yes, I did it all.

- But why? What's going on here? "Asked Caitlin, standing in front of me.

- The truth is that I asked Iris to take you to dinner today so I can prepare all this.

- Oh yes? Why?

- Because I want to make a request. You know you make me extremely happy, don't you?! These two and a half years of dating were fantastic, but I need more ... I need to wake up every day knowing that you are mine forever and ever, I need to build a life with you ... a family with you and for that I really want you, Caitlin Snow, to agree to marry me. What do you say, shall we take this new step? - I asked while kneeling in front of her and took the box containing the ring from my coat pocket and opened the box, showing him the ring.

 What do you say, shall we take this new step? - I asked while kneeling in front of her and took the box containing the ring from my coat pocket and opened the box, showing him the ring

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The seconds passed and she said nothing to me. In her expression, I could see that there was a kind of inner debate and that was making me more and more worried, as there is a high probability that she will not accept my request.

- Please, say sometihing...

- Are you sure this is what you want? Marry me? Do you really want to marry someone like me?

- What do you mean? I don't understand ...

- Barry, you know that I'm not like all the other women in Central City and I don't say this because of my powers. You know what my fears are about marriage, because of my past ...- Caitlin said, but I thought it best to interrupt her because I think I already understood what she was getting at.

- Cait, I want to marry you. In fact it is an honor to marry someone like you ... A generous, beautiful, friendly, loyal, intelligent, fighter person. So, I'm going to ask the question again, Caitlin Snow will you marry me?

"Yes! I will marry you, Barry Allen" Exclaimed Caitlin with a few tears, and as soon as I put the ring on her finger, I gave her a kiss that conveyed everything I was feeling right now.

She is everything I need in my life and all men should be lucky enough to be able to marry a person like her ... Because she may not be perfect, in fact no one is, but she is the person closest to perfection.

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