⛧What's in your mind?⛧

Start from the beginning

We soon find a clearing and take seat on a fallen log after checking it briefly.

There's this slightly awkward atmosphere around us and I'm wondering how I am going to get rid of it when a hand cups my face before Frank presses his lips to mine. It takes me a moment, but I return the kiss, placing a hand on his waist as I lean in more into it.

We pull away a few moments later, a bit breathless, our faces still barely an inch away with a warm feeling hovering in the space between us.

"I... Can we leave this only between us?" Frank almost speaks against my lips as lets his hand fall to my lap, letting the cold air hit my skin in an unpleasant manner. "I mean, it's not for any specific reason, I just... I'm kinda insecure about all of this. There's a lot going on and..." The unspoken words are almost heard, Frank's hesitance and apparent pain being so intense that I can almost understand what he feels, feel what he feels. And it's the better to not question.

"It's fine," I mutter, pecking his lips like if it proved my promise. "I would like the same, anyways." My mind goes back to how some of my friends would be annoying about it. I mean, of course they would respect it if I said I don't want to talk about it, but I think it's the best to avoid the whole thing because I don't want to just tease them about something then never talk about it again until it is over. I don't know, actually. Maybe it's the same – there's a lot going on, from college, keeping up with Dalls and Ryan to also hanging out with Bert and the others and... something. Like if a hidden reason among everything.

Frank hums and nods briefly before pressing his lips to mine once again, the new kiss carrying a new urgency that I can't help but to return.


"You seem in a good mood," Dallon points out and I can't help but to grin at his statement.

"Things are happening, Dalls, things are happening." My mind goes back to all the times I've gone out with Frank so far. Things have been really nice and, to be honest, not really wanting to be seen by other people forces us to be creative, in a way the dates are either across the city or somewhere not so agitated, such as the woods.

It's been fun going out with Frank, what gets me wanting each time more of it, like if I'm getting closer to something happening and I'm also left wanting to know more and more about him because I can't help but to find him fucking amusing. Despite the frequency of the dates and the consistency of everything, we never talked about whether or not it's something serious. We don't need to, in my opinion. The need for a label or anything of sort just seems irrelevant.

"Good things, obviously." He narrows his eyes thoughtfully and I can't help but to chuckle.

Making useless comments to see people's reaction and figure out what's going on is so... Dallon.

"Of course." A happy sigh escapes my lips as I play lightly with the strap of my bag, falling silent for a moment. I wonder if Frank is free today. "Ah, I wanted to ask; is Ryan free anytime soon?"

"I'm not even sure if I am free myself," Dallon breathes a chuckle, "but what if we did a sleepover or something? That would be fun and convenient," he suggests thoughtfully, stopping to walk once we reach my house.

"Wonderful! Send that in the chatgroup and we can figure out when and on whose place!" I grin. The idea seems genuinely nice and nostalgic, reminding me of how much we used to do it around the beginning of high school. "Anyways, thanks a lot for walking until here with me! See you tomorrow, Dall!" I pull him for a quick hug.

"No problems and see you!" He waves as I walk to the front door.

"Hey, dear," my mother calls from the kitchen.

After dinner, I head upstairs to prepare a few things for tomorrow – finish a few papers, read texts, complete resumes – and, at some point, I apparently end up falling asleep because I wake up to my phone buzzing repeatedly. I groan, noticing my notebook and books are still on the bed, so I push them to the corner while looking for my phone. The screen light blinds me for a moment, but, squinting my eyes, I can read the messages. It's 3:33am, damn.

Wake up
wAkE uP
There you are :)

Hemlo, Framki

I'm bored


We're going out
I need to go somewhere, talk, idc

Ofc, let me just get ready
Something happened?

I'll tell you when we meet.


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