Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about my encounter with Isla today. How did she feel like she remembered me, the drugs were supposed to erase any memory of last night up to right before she saw me. Had she not been given the right dosage?

No not possible the team would have made sure to get it right especially with such a big deal as the robbery at the bar. We couldn't let anyone in that bar know that it wasn't just a robbery.

I had recognised them man holding Isla's friend, his sandy blonde hair, hazelnut eyes and big stocky figure were hard to forget, Stephen the only person who knew what me and the boys were apart of. The only thing stopping him telling was the fact we had something he wanted I did not know what this was, our boss did not want us to know too much in case we were taken hostage.

Part of me thought the rest of his "gang" if you would, looked nervous, almost frightened throughout the whole standoff in the bar so I was questioning whether they knew what they were apart of or were they just offered money. But I told myself I was just overthinking it.

I gazed down at the courtyard from my place on the balcony, cigarette between my fingers and my navy hoodie keeping me shelter from the cold night air. It was only 11pm but it was eerily quiet apart from the sounds of the rest of the boys in mine and Louis' apartment, even with the door shut I could still hear their laughter and chitchat.

Isla. Isla Davis. I do not think I have ever met someone quite like her, I knew I should stay away but there was just something about her and I could not put my finger on it.

 I sighed taking one last drag from the cigarette before stubbing it on the cold railing of the balcony, tossing it over the rail and making my way back inside to the boys.

Isla's POV

"You ready?" I ask Sarah as she walks over to where me and Elena are sitting in the courtyard. Our first class of the day was done, I was doing a 3-year degree in fashion design as it had been my dream since I can remember.

"Yeah, let's go" she replied smiling brightly at us both, we set off into Manchester to find somewhere to have a quick lunch before our next class. We had to be quite quick, so we decided to just go to the café me and Elena went to the previous day.

"So, Sarah tell us about yourself" Elena says while sipping her iced latte, "Well I am 19, from London and I'm here to do a degree in fashion design". "No way I am too!" I exclaim in surprise, "Oh wow that's so cool!" she says back. "Guess I'll be alone doing my degree in physics then" Elena says with a laugh.

We continued to chat while eating our lunch before making our way back to the college.

We were just walking through the courtyard when the last person I ever wanted to see again walked out the glass door in front of me. Marie.

She smirks and walks up to us, "you can go I just want a minute with Isla" addressing Elena and Sarah. "Not a chance" Elena starts before I interrupt, "it's ok you can go I won't be far behind you", Elena looks hesitantly at me before linking Sarah's arm and walking off.

"What are u doing here?!" I immediately ask "woah slow down bestie" she responds, "I'm not your bestie don't try the fake act with me Marie I'm not putting up with your bullshit anymore so what do you want?".

 "Firstly, I go to college here now" and I feel my heart drop at her words but do not let it show, "and secondly I wanted to tell you that I didn't like what you said tome in the bathroom back in LA", "I don't give a shit what you like and don't like I don't regret my words at all now leave me alone!" I respond furiously and try to storm past her, but she grabs my upper arm tightly holding me still.

"I don't think your mother would be very happy with this behaviour" she says.

I was so sick of Marie and everything she had done to me my whole life, so I swung my hand harshly into her cheek and she stumbles back in shock.

"You little bitch!" she shouts in anger and she grabs my ponytail yanking me too the ground, my cheek harshly connects with the ground and I feel the warm blood start trickling from the cut as I stand back up to see her smirking face, one check red from my slap.

I lung at her but before I can attack, I feel two arms around my waist, pulling me back away as the curly headed boy with startling green eyes I saw twice yesterday pulls Marie away towards a bench as she tried to leap at me.

I yelled to be put down but whoever was holding me ignored my shouts, but we turn a corner and they let go. I spin around infuriated and see none other than Niall.

 "Why did you do that I had the situation handled" I say enraged my head still pounding from the whole scenario, "that didn't look like you had it handled to me" he says smugly, "You're bleeding he says in a quieter tone.

I reach my hand up gingerly to touch the cut, "no don't touch it!" he exclaims, and he grabs my hand to stop me. "If you get dirt in it then it will get infected" he continues and lowers my hand slowly, "come to my room I'll clean it up for you".

 "Ok" I say softly now realising what hand just happened.

I follow him to his room and note that its number 14, when I enter, I see it is surprisingly clean but stinks of cigarettes and sweat. "Wait here I'll get the first aid kit" he speaks up and points to the end of a bed that is probably his and I sit while continuing to stare around the room, I note there is a balcony something mine and Elena's room does not have but otherwise it looks similar to ours.

I turn and see Niall emerge from the bathroom, first aid kit in hand. He crouches in front of me, and rips open the packaging of what looks to be an alcohol gauze, he gently uses it to clean the cut on my cheekbone before throwing it into the small rubbish bin behind him.

He turns back to face me, and I meet those electric blue eyes making me freeze, "thankyou" I whisper softly "of course" he responds softly not breaking eye contact. "Uh well I better go" I say awkwardly, "oh yeah sorry" he says before standing up and brings the first aid kit back to the bathroom.

I am just on my way out the door when he speaks up, "oh and Isla, be careful" I am confused but nod and smile before closing the door with a sigh.

Wow sorry that was such a short and shitty chapter I'm just very stressed and busy with online school at the minute. So I probably won't update for a couple of days.

Make sure to keep commenting on what you think so far and I'm always open to criticism :)

Stay strong ~ Mia 

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