Chapter 7

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Isla's POV

My eyes flew open, and I sprung up in the bed I was in only to groan at the throbbing in my head and immediately lay back down, "oh my god finally you're awake!" Elena exclaimed from somewhere to my left.

I opened my eyes a second time to be met with bright lights above my head, this time I let my eyes adjust to the light before slowly raising my body to a seated position, I used to my hands to stay up but felt unfamiliar rough sheets grasped in my fingers. I look round the room I am in to see it is a small hospital room, "Elena where the fuck am I?" I ask in confusion and I look to see her seated on a chair beside my hospital bed.

"Do you not remember?" she questions also visibly confused and I shake my head slowly, "oh well we were at the party" she begins before all the memories come flooding back to me, so loud in my head that Elena's voice faded away.

 The smell of smoke, the low lights, the thumping music, Niall. Niall. I felt like I was reliving it, swaying to the music, our careless laugher, the scent of his musky cologne, his piercing blue eyes. Then me following him into the crowd, ducking from the chair, the glass shattering and raining down on me then Niallk neeling beside me on the floor.

I blink several times snapping me back to reality in time to hear Elena say, "then Niall drove me here with you". "What time is it?" I mutter while lifting my hand to rub my eyes, "hey not that one" Elena says gently grabbing my raised right arm and I look down to see a bandage around my hand, "and it's 11pm" she says quietly while lowering my arm.

"God my head is sore" I murmur still feeling dazed for some reason, "I'll tell them to up your morphine dose" Elena replies with a comforting shoulder squeeze.

 "I have to go back to the college now that I know you're awake and ok, you'll have to stay overnight but you should be let out tomorrow" she says hand still on my shoulder.

 "Ok thank you for waiting you didn't have to oh and by the way whereis Sarah?" I ask closing my eyes again because of the bright lights piercing myvision.

"Oh yeah about that... I don't want to overwhelm you but uh I haven't seen Sarah since the party, I've been here most of the day, but she hasn't answered any of my calls and texts, she probably just wanted to get away for a bit though". 

"Uh yeah I think you're right" I say back but questioning it slightly, "see you tomorrow then Isla" she bent to gently kiss my uninjured cheek.

A few minutes later a nurse walked in and asked me how I was feeling while adjusting the drip connected to my arm.

 After she left, I lay staring at the ceiling lost in my thoughts and feelings, after what seemed like hours but could have only been minutes. I whispered to myself "fuck this" and sat up, pulled the needle connected to the drip out of my forearm before cautiously making my way out of my tiny room.

I made my way down the dim-lit hall wearing only the itchy hospital gown, I shivered as my bare feet shuffled along trying to find a way to get out and get air. I came to an elevator on my left and got in quietly while I pressed the button of the top floor, that was probably my best chance of getting air without being noticed.

My head felt a lot clearer now, my whole body felt light as if I was in a dream. I could not get Niall out of my head, the thought of him consumed me which made me confused as to why someone I barely know is all I can think about.

I shook my head to snap myself out of it just as the doors of the elevator chimed open for me to see and emergency exit door at the end of the hallway from the elevator.

I tucked my no doubt messy hair behind my ear and walked to the door, I took a deep breath before opening it praying there would be no alarm.

 Thankfully, there was none as I swung the door out to reveal a spacious roof area. I hugged my arms in an attempt to conserve heat in the bitter night air as I strolled tot he ledge on the left of the door, I sat and dangled my legs over the edge of the building.

Even though it was freezing cold it oddly felt nice, the same with my flushed face. I closed my eyes breathing in the crisp air, I felt at peace with the world, no stress no work no thoughts just me and the quiet city below.

"Don't fall off there" I heard a voice say from behind me. I whip my head around to see none  other than Niall standing there cigarette pack in hand.

"What are u doing here?" I question, "wanted a smoke" he said avoiding my question. "Can I have one?" I ask as he walks to lean against the wall on my right, he raises an eyebrow but tosses me the box and lighter without a word.

I light one and toss it back to him, I do not fell his gaze leave me, but I continue to gaze out into the city, "you usually smoke?" he inquires flicking the lighter on with the cigarette propped between his lips. I advert my gaze and puff out the smoke before replying "the odd time" with a sigh.

"She left me when I was seven" I blurt out without thinking, I feel Niall's stare burning into me, but I continue when he says nothing, not quite sure what I am doing.

"Out of the blue one night she took me out of my bed, drove me to my grandmothers house and left me on the doorstep with only a suitcase, haven't seen her since" I say with a sigh. "My Dad was never in the picture, so my grandmother raised me, to this day I haven't heard from her since" I finish and look up to meet Niall's gaze.

 "My Dad was never there when I grew up either" Niall speaks up surprising me and I turn to look as he sits down beside me. When he does not elaborate, I accept that is probably the most personal thing I will get out of him right now.

I make a spur of the moment decision and rest my head on his shoulder, he tenses up but relaxes after a minute or so. I do not know how long we sit their time felt non-existent just sitting there.

Two completely different people sitting at peace in each other company, I felt bonded to him somehow as if we were one, I cannot explain it properly, but it is like everything went still while we sat there. 

"It's cold you should be inside" Niall states interrupting the tranquil state we were in, "yeah you're probably right". "Oh, I'm always right" he says cockily, extending his hand to pull me to my feet and I smile softly before letting him guide me back to my room.

Niall's POV 

Isla opened to me tonight, I thought to myself as I walked back to the college, the streets were quite quiet and peaceful for once, the streetlights illuminated the pavement as I briskly made my way back in the cold March night air.

 I do not think she meant to, she seemed shocked at herself that she did. I told her about my Dad, it felt only right as she had made herself vulnerable to me, but it is strange I never normally would tell anyone something personal about me.

It is like she forced it out of me without doing anything which confused me, I do not know what I am feeling but it is new and foreign to me.

I do not like being open with people especially if I do not know them but with Isla it felt only right too, "no Niall you are not going to get involved you need to stop and end whatever this right now, for her own good" I think to myself firmly as I make my way into the college lost in my thoughts.

Hey yall hope you doing well and enjoyed this chapter, I really enjoyed writing this one as Niall is really beginning to open up to her...or not?

Don't forget to vote and comment, ty again for all the support I love yall.

Stay strong ~ Mia

DeceptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora