Chapter 2

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Isla's POV

"Isla we are landing in a few minutes" Elena said while gently shaking my arm. I groaned and pulled off the cheap eye mask that I bought in a shop back in LAX airport along with a vogue magazine and some snacks. "What time is it?" I questioned, "11am but 3am for our body clocks she said back while fastening her seatbelt. "I'm going sleep as soon as we get to the dorm rooms" I say with a yawn and I fasten my own seatbelt. 

"Ladies and gentlemen if you could please fasten your seatbelts as we will be landing shortly" says the pilot over the intercom.

I sigh and close my eyes thinking of the nice warm bed I can climb into as soon as we get to the college, I nearly start to drift off but am suddenly brought back to my senses when a glass of cold water is poured all down my front.

"Hey what was that for?!" I exclaim in annoyance my eyes snapping up to meet anxious emerald ones and I immediately regret my harsh words. The girl standing their looked to be about my age, light blonde hair and piercing green eyes, her face was distraught as she gushed out an apology. 

"I am so so sorry" she stuttered, "I heard the seatbelt announcement while getting a drink and was rushing back not looking where I was going". "It's ok only a bit of water, sorry for snapping at you I just got a fright" I say with a smile in an attempt to make her feel more comfortable. It seems to work as she smiles back before hurrying back to her seat with her now empty glass clutched in her hand.

It was 1pm before our taxi finally pulled up outside the University, customs was a pain and we couldn't find our luggage for ages so all I wanted to do was collapse into bed. We thanked the driver and wearily pulled our suitcases out of the boot. We strolled under the arch entrance at a leisurely pace taking everything in. I shivered as the breeze blew my hair across my face, there wash eat in the sun but otherwise it was pretty damn cold compared to the warm LA climate I am used to. We continue through the courtyard and in the glass doors leading us to see a spacious lobby with a large marble topped front desk. Elena walked straight up to the woman at the front desk while I gaped in awe at the luxurious lobby. 

She came back with the key cards to our dorms luckily, we had managed to bag one together so we set off in search of it. I looked down at the key card and saw the words "Floor 3 Room 28" and pulled Elena in the direction of an elevator. When we reached our floor we followed the signs indicating where our room was, all while I stared around me at the beautiful paintings littering the walls of the corridors and the full length windows that we would occasionally pass that looked down on the courtyard of trees and brightly coloured flowers. 

After what seemed like forever we reached our room, Elena fumbled with her key card but eventually got it to work after many snickers from me. She entered first, I was about to follow before I sensed the presence of someone else.

I looked to my left and at the end of the hallway stood a gorgeous blue eyed, bleached blonde hair, skinny but toned boy leaning against a doorway on his phone. He wore a white t-shirt which surprised me as it was quite cold out and skinny black jeans that looked great on him.

He noticed me staring and looked up to catch my eye just as a tall, curly brown headed boy walked out of the room without looking down at me. He said something like "lets go then" before strutting off round the corner, the blonde boy smirked at me before following the other boy leaving me to let out the breath I  didn't know I was holding and follow Elena into the room.

Niall's POV

She was stunning.

When I first saw her that day, she was wearing black leggings, a grey hoodie with a navy and white flannel jacket and pristine Nike Air Force 1s on her feet. I had been waiting outside Harry's dorm room that he shared with Liam and Zayn while Louis and I share done a few doors down.  

if it helps you picture it better here's my inspo:)   

I was planning to go over to her, but Harry came out of his room snapping me out of the dreamy state I had fallen into while staring into her hazelnut brown eyes

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I was planning to go over to her, but Harry came out of his room snapping me out of the dreamy state I had fallen into while staring into her hazelnut brown eyes. "At least now I know where her room is" I thought to myself before I smirked at her and followed Harry.

We exited the main door to see Zayn, Liam and Louis in a running car windows down with music blaring, the warm March sun shone down causing me to place my hand above my eyes to squint at the boys waiting in the car. The weather here in Manchester is much the same as Mullingar where I grew up so whenever I get the chance to wear a t-shirt, I take it as it doesn't come often here in wet and windy Manchester. 

I hopped into the passenger seat while Harry climbed in the back with Zayn and Louis. "If you are going to play music then at least play something good" I say to Liam with a laugh, he sighs and switches radio station "-and now we have a classic this is The Killers with Mr Brightside!" booms the presenter and as the familiar chords of the song start I hang my arm out the window and watch as scenery flies by on our way to the football game, it was Liverpool against Manchester City a highly awaited match by many football fans across the UK.

I couldn't quite get the image of the girl in the hallway out of my head, "you can't do this Niall" I say to myself, "you can't ever put someone you care about in danger again, not after what happened last year".

Second chapter done! This is so fun to write so I hope yall continue to read it and don't be afraid to comment and let me know what you think so far.

In case there is confusion, I just want to point out two things;

- the word boot is the same as the word trunk. I am Irish so my vocab might be a bit different so don't be afraid to ask.

- the description of the University of Manchester is not of the actual university, I just used the name and made my own description of how I picture it all in my head.

Stay strong ~ Mia

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