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One of the most raised question, isn’t it? Almost everybody in the world thinks at least once to answer this question which shares the title of the book. Surprisingly, everyone has got an answer. Even more surprisingly everybody is correct in his own way. So this question has infinite answers from which no answer is wrong! Yes, it can be said that all opinions on god point to one direction. When a person says that ‘god’ is someone who does justice and the other says ‘god’ is someone who maintains law and order in the universe, each of the answer points out one characteristic of ‘god’. They both are simultaneously correct too. Today in science age no two answers for a same problem can be correct simultaneously until relativity is taken into account. Humans now need proof of everything; an exact and complete definition. Putting up the standard model of the universe is the biggest challenge of recent times for the physicists concerning modern physics. This model may be expected to be similar to what god had when he created us. Here in this book I raise many recent physical findings, and discuss how and what they tell us about god. I cannot be successful in actually defining god, but I will certainly give you direction towards finding the reality. As Buddhists say:

“When we find the right direction, all we have to do is to continue walking.”

Buddhism is a religion with no god. Buddha never told us anything about god, yet he was the most influential man figure of his time. In Hindu sacred book Gita it is written that god has no definition at all. But Buddha says that saying this too about god is like trying to define him. So he does not utter a single word about what god is. Buddha left no text behind him. He knew that blindly following some text without knowing the real essence of the text leads us nowhere.

They say that “god” had been here when nothing was. That means that he had been in this world before the existence of humans, but at that time no one would be there to worship god. If god had created us, than has he created us to worship him? It sounds selfish. Isn’t it? Well... this is probably the one thing that we are told to do in all the mythological books. But that can never be understood as the behavior of god. At ancient times people had no problem relying on god for everything. People then said that “if he had created them then it’s his responsibility to find the solution of their problems. But now science had progressed a lot. Now people don’t think this way. They question everything. Now homo-sapiens have started to get in the way of god’s plan.

Chinese scientists are claiming that they have found death genes. They say that these genes are present in every living organism, and are responsible for its death. We are now literally witnessing god’s plan about how the universe should run. In ancient times we only knew that death is the ultimate truth of one’s life, and so to get rid of it, humans worshiped gods of death. But now when we know about death genes, we know about how death works. We surely have no control over death now, but we at least have got a direction. Now what is it, if it’s not interfering god’s plan. Now humans question everything.

Similar is the case with the particle physics research, scientists are working day and night for finding the top quark. That means for finding the smallest unit of universe. In this way they want to find the building block of universe. If in any way we are able to find that quark using which we can create matter, we could create universes. We – humans would become creator then. And the whole plan of the creator who created us will fail. His creation will overpower his power. Of course he would not like us to be creators.

Now we can’t say that we could do things mentioned above so easily. The creator is very wise. His plan is full-proof in all possible ways. He must have thought about securing his plan. That is why we are limited. The governing laws of the universe when observed in some conditions are not understood by our minds.  For example when a particle is moving with speed that is close to the speed of light, we don’t understand the governing laws. He had created some limits for us; we can not in any way violate these limits. For instance,

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