Chapter 1 - Here we go again.

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Tommy shot up in his bed, hearing pounding at the door to his room. Well, if you could even call it that. A small 11x11 area, with a cot on the floor, and a row of drawers for his possessions. There was a bathroom connected, that had a sink, toilet, and shower, but that's pretty much it. 

Tommy checked the time. It read '9:30 am' and Tommy sighed quietly to himself. He had just fallen asleep a few hours ago, if that, he wasn't ready to be up yet. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, and opened his door.

He looked up at the woman that had been on the other side. Her name tag read 'Macy' , but Gods, was she a bitch. She hated Tommy, and for no reason at all-! Tommy hated her back, purely just because she hated him.

"You got a family that wants to look at you....again.. look presentable for once." Venom laced her words, as she turned away, leaving with a clipboard in her hands.

Tommy closed the door, sighing to himself. 'here we go again..' Tommy thought to himself, before grabbing clothes out of one of the drawers. Black jeans that were ripped at the knees, red and white converses, and a red and white baseball t-shirt. 

He got changed, freshening up, and combed his fingers through his hair. He stared at himself at the mirror above the sink in the bathroom. The bags under his eyes were less than ideal, and the scratch on his cheek was scabbed over.

At least the freckles that were splattered across his face made him look please-able... 

Tommy bandaged his left fore-arm, it being scratched and bruised to shit from getting into a fight with another kid. The other kid thought Tommy's left hand was dominate, so he took scissors and cut it up, trying to give himself an advantage. But he was wrong, Tommy is right handed.

In the end, Tommy won. He disarmed the kid, and kicked him in the gut. But it didn't change the fact his arm wasn't pretty. Tommy built up his courage, and left the bathroom. he moved his pillow, and held a photo for a minute. He stared, sighed, then tucked it back underneath.

Tommy left the room, and made his way down the hall. He made a few turns, and met Macy at a door. The rude female opened the door, following Tommy in the room. They then went into a side room, that had a one-way mirror so while the family talked to the workers, they could watch the kid.

Tommy hated that they would be able to see him, but he wouldn't be able to see them.

"I'm gonna greet them at the door. Behave with them, brat."

Macy left without another word. Tommy growled under his breath, and closed his eyes. He knew what was coming, and he always hated it. The panic before they showed up in the room. His heart-rate increased, and he scratched at his clothed thigh. 

Philza greeted the female at the door, with his 2 kids at either side of him. They had a short chat, saying their hello's and saying how long this meeting can be. After the 2 minute conversation, Macy lead the 3 males into the room with the mirror, sitting them down.

She closed the door behind them all, as they sat in the chairs that were in the room. The pinkette sat in the chair, nearest the mirror, and looked at the child in the other room. He immediately noticed his panicked scratching, and the bandages on his one arm. 

He watched the blonde hold his breath, then release it, then breathed in, then held it again. He was trying to calm down, and the male watched it all. At one point, the pinkette saw Phil stand up, and so did Wilbur. He stood, following the others movements, and looked between his dad and his brother.

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