Chapter Six: "Something greater, brighter"

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"You're the only animal I take pleasure of feasting on, my dear." a smug smile filled his face and in reply, the young woman crinkled her face in almost disgust.

"More than twelve years of studying and reading and that's the best insult you can come up with? Being a king might actually make you stupider than you already are." by the end, a joking smile was plastered on her face and Mon-El could only crack a chuckle, their attitude making the Head of the Guard roll his eyes. He had been keeping up with their annoying roasts and jokes for most of his life.

"Seriously talking." his voice broke the silence in the room." You need to get to your office, it is full of paper and probably more than half of it needs to be looked over and signed by yesterday." Mon-El just nodded in return and his face became serious.

Iris's eyes followed the former prince while he walked around the room. His stature and attitude changed from one of a man in his twenties, who just wanted to live a normal life to one of a royal, ready to start working. A leader was before her.

The blue-eyed king dressed and left his suite and headed for the grand office at the end of the hall.

The one where, during his childhood and teenage years, even until only weeks ago, could find his father seated into. The late King of Daxam was not a man full of joy, but he was a good, right man, who even though he wanted to change the world, the ones who surrounded him didn't want to. Mon-El will always remember all the late nights spent in the scarlet office, the two Gand men looking over charts, contracts and reports, and only then did he get to see how his father thought of the world they lived in. How he really wanted to lead and later on even change it.

The crown from his chamber and the satin robe from his dressing room were proof that his father's wish to see the world change and for his only son help it grow into something greater, brighter.

Mon-El was very much aware that one of the dozens of papers on his desk was a contract with Krypton. He had heard a lot about the blue planet and how a true relationship with Daxam would benefit both of them.

Lar was fascinated by the planet, their literature was so fast and so beautiful, always renewed and every time he came from a visit there, he came with at least a chest full of books, from science to fiction and even law. And for weeks, you could not see the king, because he would be either in the library or in his office, head bent over a book, a notebook by his side and dark, blue, red or green ink on his fingers.

While entering the office, Mon-El could hear his father promising him that he would one day publish a book with all the comments he had made over the years on books from all over the galaxy and maybe even write his own. Unfortunately, he didn't get that chance to do either. And the first thing, Mon-El did when he entered the room was go to the cabinet that held a great collection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. He poured a glass of some dark-red juice, threw a lemon in and picked some fancies from a plate.

With a half-full glass, a cookie in his hand and another in his mouth, he stood before the tower of papers. "They didn't even sort them..." his words came muffled and after putting the other piece of food in his mouth, he cleaned his hand on his pants and started to leaf through the papers on his desk. The first page was a bill for an investment for a school in the northern hemisphere of the planet. He set his glass down, somewhere far from the tower of paper and started to scan over the letter.

He was shocked to find out that most of the staff was not even Daxamian, the school wanting to copy the prestigious universities in the capital, but this time not for students that come from other worlds, but for the ones that were already there, living with them, his people. Daxamite in citizenship, but another race entirely at heart.

He signed the papers and put them aside. And hen his eyes came back to the pile, he came across a document he had been hearing of for some while now. He took it and seated on the couch by the window, pen in his right hand.

Marriage arrangement documents

compiled by the High Council of Krypton and Daxam, in the presence of King Lar and Queen Rhea


House of El of Krypton & the Royal House of Gand of Daxam

At its second writing.

Mon-El was very much aware that he was supposed to marry someone that was arranged for him years ago. He had heard about the girl from the south and how she could no longer be of use to the crown. And he had also known about having another fiancee, but this one from another planet. He never got to meet her, when he was younger, but it seems that the curious reporter from his coronation was indeed his bride-to-be.

His thoughts flew right to his father once again and how he would be so fascinated with the blonde and her heritage. Lar Gand was always curious, while his wife just rolled her eyes and from time to time even suggested to him to stop talking, because they had another business.

With interest, he started reading the contract. His thoughts were running at more than a thousand miles per hour. He thought of multiple people, planets, reasons why and so on throughout his read. Even though he had never considered a wedding, a union as such a big deal, as something as important as the papers before him, after finishing the last section and seeing his father's signature on the paper and Kara's faded one, he started to feel on his own skin how a wedding was indeed a political weapon.

Taking one last deep breath, Mon-El signed the papers and went back to the stack on the table.

For The Safety of Our Stars | Kara Zor-El and Mon-ElTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang