I placed my phone on the side table with a smile on my face. I'd finally be able to see him again!


"Make it a littleee longer Y/n!"

"Ughhh! I am, Sesha. hold on." I felt soo frustrated in that moment that I could've just stroked her whole face with paint.

Sesha stood still in front of the mirror while I painted a '7' on her right cheek. She was all geared up as if she had a match and not Taehyung.

"Done." I said, once I was done giving it a finishing curvy end.

"THANKYOU SOOO MUCHH!" She exclaimed as she hugged me. "His jersey number, purplish-blue jersey outfit and pig tails. I'm ready!!!"

"You look exactly what the team-captain's girl should look like!" I complimented, "Now, can we leave!?"

"Yesssss!" She exclaimed.

Taehyung was already waiting by the door when we reached down. It was his first match as the school team captain, I wished jungkook and I could watch him play too. Luckily the match would be played in our school ground, so they'd be dropping me off on their way.

"Seshhh! You look sooo cute! Aww, look at my jersey number on your cheek! Your such a great girlfriend!" Tae said, pulling her into a hug, "I love you sooo much!"

It was still a little weird seeing the boy who only cared about his gaming consoles, being such a head over heal lover boy. Cutely- weird.

"Now, let's go before we get late!" Sesha said, escaping out of Taehyung's clutches.


I hopped out of the car after wishing Taehyung luck.

Jungkook had texted in the morning informing me that his parents had urgent work completion at office and so they wouldn't be back till night, which meant ligit alone time!

I rushed up two flight of stairs before reaching the floor with his ward. I could finally see it, I picked up speed.

"Mam, please slow down. This is a hospital." said a voice from behind me- the voice most familiar and soothing to my ears.

I turned back to face jungkook who was on a wheel chair with a huge bunny smile on his face.

"Koo!" I jogged my way back, only to bend down and hug him. "I missed you soooo muchh Koo!"

"I missed you sooo much too Y/n." he said, letting his head rest on my stomach, leaning into the hug.

"You guys are really sooo cute!" It was then that I realised the presence of the nurse who was pushing koo's wheel chair. She was as tall as me, just a little more fit with her hair tied up high and a shorter than knee length nurse uniform.

"I know, right!? Thankyou!" Jungkook replied without any hesitation.

I pulled away from the hug as the nurse handed me a small tray with pills inside it.

She smiled at us and said, "I guess you guys can take it form here. Don't forget to take your meds Jungkook-ie"


Promise♡ •JJk• ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن