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No ones POV
When you held Peter's hand, Peter found he was blushing. When you guys entered the new forest he took this chance to actually look at you while you were in front. He saw that your cheek was splattered with a little blood he also saw that your hair was messy. When night came he again took the first shift because he wanted to and you were not going to fight him for it. While you were sleeping he looked at you you looked peaceful while you slept. You looked cute he thought No wait what he wasn't Into men was he,he thought he continued thinking until his shift was over. Then it was your turn to stay up.
Your POV
When it was my turn to stay up I looked over at Peter why did I grab his hand I mean were friends but friends don't grab each others hands  do they I don't really know because Peter is my first friend. I mean I care for Peter but do I like him like that and we only met a few days ago but my dad did say love can come in weird ways. I ignored my thoughts and looked at the map there was no light so it was hard to see. I saw that there was moonlight near the tree across from us. I got up and walked to the tree I sat down under it. It illuminated the map perfectly. I was reading it when Peter started to move around he was hyperventilating. I got up and put the map in my pocket and walked over to him. I kneeled next to him he grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me down. "Peter" I said shaking him a little he still didn't wake up I moved him a little bit more harder and he sat up startled. He began to cry "Hey" I said hugging him he hugged me back like if I was going to disappear if he didn't "Do you want to talk about it" I asked he shook his head no "Ok" I said rubbing his back he cried into my shoulder. When he finally calmed down we let each other go "I used to have them" I said he didn't say anything. "It's going to be O-" he cut me off "How is anything ok" he yelled I flinched "None of this is ok" he yelled "Just because you didn't have anything to go back to doesn't mean other people should feel ok" he yelled. I got up "Wait I didn-" I cut him off this time "I'll give you some time to think" I said walking away. I grabbed my backpack I looked inside and found a picture of me and my dad he put me on top of his head. I grabbed it and made my way the a small lake that Peter found when we got there. I sat down near it and looked at the picture and then at the lake I began to cry. After a minute I got back up and took out the map from my pocket and looked to see where was our next destination I pointed at the next location it was west to us. I got up picked up rocks and started throwing it at the lake. It had Been a while until the sun was almost down it was hot so I took of my shirt. I laid down on the floor and closed me eyes. Time had past and I finally came back to where I left Peter. When I got there I saw he was gone I looked around but he wasn't there. I looked to where he put his things down but his things were also gone. I sat down under the tree and began to cry now everybody had left me. I got up put on my shirt got my backpack pack and put it to the side of me. I drifted off to sleep.

    Life  Peter Parker x male reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora