Almost Dead

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No ones POV
Peter felt bad about making you leave and he was going to chase after you but May stopped him "Let him go" she said Peter nodded. May laid down and immediately fell asleep,Peter laid down but couldn't go to sleep what had he just done. He got up and looked around but he knew you weren't going to come back. He laid back down and tried to go to sleep.
Your POV
By the time I got to the new city it was already the next day, I did not rest my Goal was to get there. When I finally got there I found a small shop that was abandoned. I got inside and locked the door I Heard movement in the back of the store and I got closer. "Get him" I hear and then I felt hands grab me. "Another boy" I heard a girl say. They got my backpack off me they checked it and throw it "Useless" I heard one of them say "Take him" I heard they put a mask over my face so I could not see. After a while they let me go and they took the mask off. "Who are you" I saw a girl ask me "I'm Y/N and I'm a survivor like you" I said "Ok" the girl said "My names Jen" she said and stretched out her hand.
No ones POV
Peter and May made it to town that you pointed at. "May start looking for supplies" he said "OK" May said. Peter was looking on the street when he spotted May she was taking to a monster. "May" Peter yelled May turned her head 360 and looked at Peter "Yes Peter" she said in a different voice. Peter was shocked but he wasn't going to stay to investigate. He ran out of there he could feel the tears falling down his cheek he felt horrible number one because he had made you leave even thought you were right. He ran back into the forest and didn't stop running until he got to a new town. He decided to search for you here. He looked in a convient store and found your backpack he grabbed it and made sure it was your's. He spotted the map and instantly new it was your's, he had been to late. He fell to the floor and began to sob.
Your POV
The girl named Jen led me to a room "You can stay here" she said walking away "Thank you" I said before she walked out of the Room. Then I heard yelling. I stepped out of the room and saw that they had Peter tied up. "Peter" I said he looked at me It then looked like he began to struggle to break free. "Let him go" I said, Jen looked at me "Let him go" she said and they let Peter go. He ran over to me and gave me a hug "I thought you died" he said I hugged back "It takes a lot to kill me" I said he then got in front of me "Let us go" he said "Fine" Jen said "You leave in the morning" she said walking away. I Walked to the room and Peter followed behind me. When we got inside I asked Peter were was May "You were right" he said "Right about what" I teased "That she or whatever it was wasn't May" he said he looked at me "I'm sorry" he said "It's ok I understand I would have done the same if it was my dad" I said "But still I shouldn't have made you leave" he said "It's ok" I said "Ok" he said. "You can sleep here till we leave in the morning" I said and he nodded.

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