Blue Blanket

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No ones POV
Peter liked getting to know you, he didn't think you were a loser he thought you were brave and resourceful. While he was taking the shift he looked at you and saw you were shivering. He looked around and started searching for something to cover you with. He got up and looked in your backpack he also checked his satchel. He then started looking around but he couldn't find anything. Until he looked around the forest and found a small blue blanket. He picked it up and scanned it which was hard because it was dark. He went back to you and placed it on top of you which helped with the shivering but not stop it completely. He sat back down and continued his shift.
Your POV
When it was my turn for my shift Peter was sleeping next to me almost coming onto my leaf bed I discovered that Peter placed a blue blanket over me while I was asleep so I put it over him. I got up and saw what we could eat for breakfast because I knew that the those Oreos were going to run out fast. I looked around but found nothing. The daylight started to show up and Peter woke up and found out he now had the blanket. "Good morning" I said "Good morning" he said taking off the blanket and putting it in his satchel. "So we're are we off to next" I asked him. "Well I don't actually know" he said. Then in hit me "I have a map" I said looking in my back pack "You do" he said "Yeah I got it when I found you" I said "We're to next" he asked I finally found the map and I looked at it and found to the forest that we were in. "The next town Is to the East of us" I said pointing. "Ok let's go" he said now walking in the direction I pointed in "Ok" I said caching up to him. "So" he said "So what" I said "So what's your favorite food" he asked "Well my favorite is cheery pie" I said "For real mine too May used to make them all the time" he said "Cool" I said and he nodded. "What's your favorite movie" I asked "Well I don't really have one" he said "Oh" I said "I mean I like Star Wars" he said "Well I like Harry Potter" I said "You do" he said looking at me Confessed "Is there something wrong with that" I said "No it's just I didn't see you like the fantasy kind of guy" he said I nodded as we continued walking we heard rustling ahead of us Peter got in front of me and pulled out his bat. There was more rustling and then a cat came out of the bush running out. Peter put his bat back in his satchel and we kept on walking. Then we reached a abandoned fair. "This is so creepy" I said walking around "Yeah" Peter said taking out his bat again I looked at him "Just in case" he said. We walked to the fair restaurant and we stepped inside, the tables were thrown and the chairs were also thrown something was definitely here. Me and Peter walked to the kitchen he was guarding the door outside while I was looking around, then I found salads still in there containers I grabbed as Many as I could fit into my backpack for both me and Peter. I Heard tumbling outside of the door I zipped up my back pack and grabbed a kitchen knife I didn't really have a weapon except my smoke bombs with were pretty mush useless. I walked to the door and pushed it open I saw a monster on top of Peter it was drooling on his face while Peter stopped it from  biting his face off with his bat. "Get off" I yelled at it. The monster looked at me and got off of Peter and Began to charge at me. I didn't really think this all thorough. I began to run out the door while it was chasing me. I Led it to the stands  I pretended to get on the Ferris wheel it got in with me "Fool" I said getting up and closing the gate behind me it roared Peter turned it on and it began to go up. "Let's go" I said grabbing Peters hand and leading him away. When we were far enough away I looked at the map but Peter looked at me "What" I asked his eyes looked back at my hand that was still holding his I let go "Sorry" I said "No problem" he said rubbing the back on his neck. I blushed what was going on with me I never blushed for a guy. "Ok" I said and I continuing to look at the map "There is another town but it's far away but we have to cross this forest" I said pointing he nodded. I put the map back and we began walking into the forest.

Life  Peter Parker x male readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu