However, for the beta who used to be a dog chasing after every bone he saw, he was exuding an incredible amount of patience with her and dealing with her hormones, handling their relationship like a pro even when they were in disagreement. Samantha typically was not this fixated in her anger, usually she would get some sharp words out and then be done with it, but in the last few days she was exhibiting an increase of hostility which was something to be expected in a she-wolf pregnancy. He was going to go have a smoke, and then find her later with some food. There was no point in talking to her now, she needed time alone or time to vent to others, as her pregnancy was making her target her upset at him exclusively.

After thirty minutes was spent between the Alpha and Soon-to-be Luna in private, Jason opened the windows in the office to dilute the smell of sex before he opened the door to permit those who remained entrance. He now being the only male left in a sea of women, two who were perturbed with their own mates, his own mate being temporarily quelled by his firm hands and strong dick, and the stylist who was wondering what the fuck she walked into.

The next hour and a half was spent with Jason silently watching the dresses being removed from the garment bags his eyes meticulously looking at the cuts and designs, and analyzing for himself which were the ones he liked and wanted to see her wear. The temperament of the room had changed as the women harmoniously engaged with one another and cooed at each dress that was displayed. At this time, they each dropped their own personal issues and focused on the positivity in the current situation.

Out of twenty-five gowns brought, the list was narrowed down to five. Three the group collectively agreed one, which were Navy Blue, Black and Merlot in color. The two others were ones that Elizabeth and Jason liked. Elizabeth had picked out a rose red dress with a dangerously low neckline, and Jason had picked out a creamy white princess dress elaborately decorated with gold embroidery. It was evident that though everyone collectively agreed on the three first picked dresses, that the final decision would come down between his and her personal selections, and the room was waiting in baited anticipation for their next spat.

Elizabeth humored Jason and put his selection on second to last, after the mutually agreed upon dresses had already been viewed. The upper body of the dress clung tightly to her chest and curves due to its corset backing, and the rest of the dress bloomed out at the waist, in fact making her look like a princess. The gold embroidery was highly detailed and intricate, coating heavily over the creamy white material. Jason giving a nod and a smirk in satisfaction as the women began to chatter about how beautiful she looked, the stylist suggesting an up-do hair style with dangling earrings and a thick tapered necklace which would start at the base of her neck.

Elizabeth herself liked the dress immensely, but she wasn't going to give Jason the satisfaction of speaking so highly of it, she just looked in the mirror and held a soft smile while nodding at the other women's compliments.

When it came to Elizabeth's pick there was a stark difference in how the two dresses presented. Even Elizabeth was shocked about how it looked on her. Her red dress choice was a soft flowy fabric, that started with a halter styled strap that wrapped around the back of her neck, however the actual neckline plunged down to right above her bellybutton, and the entirety of her back was exposed until the skin right above her butt. The material of the skirt was soft and its long length flowed delicately in a gentle manner. It was equally risque' and beautiful.

"Fuck Liz, you look hot." Samantha said looking up and down her body.

"You could leave your hair down with this one, do some elegant set waves in a 1950'a styling, a long hanging necklace to fill in the skin between the material separation righ-" the stylist began detailing how the look could be complimented, but was cut off with Jason's deep tone, his eyes now black.

"No, Elizabeth. You're not wearing this dress. Its out of the question." His words were sharp and direct, and showed no signs of being flexible.

"What? Why?" she looked back at him with narrowed brows, only really annoyed at the fact he was putting down his foot so adamantly. She actually preferred his dress, but she still was unwilling to give him the satisfaction.

"I will literally fuck you in front of the entire pack, if you want to play games and try to wear this dress." he promised her with a stern face. If she was going to expose this much skin to the pack, they would all need to witness his claim to her, Luna ceremony or not.

"You will not." she said back quickly with her own firm tone.

"Fucking try me." he said with a deep nod as if daring her to do so. He most certainly absolutely would, she knew he was serious. Her lips going mute, as they stared at each other.

A long moment passed before she spoke again, her soft words being directed towards the stylist but her eyes still locked on his. "We'll take his choice. The cream and gold ball gown."

"We'll take her choice, as well." he said keeping his eyes locked onto hers for only a few more seconds, before the black pools rapidly flickered about key points of her figure in the dress. He would never allow her around Lycan's in this outfit, being this exposed, but he shouldn't have to go without this view. They would find some other way to put it to use.

"Very good." Estelle said with a nod, as she began to bag up the unchosen dresses to get them out of the way. She needing to make minor adjustments to the other ones before they would also be bagged up.

"Alright, that's over with." he said with a heavy exhale, slowly standing and painstakingly ripping his eyes away from Elizabeth's form in the red dress. "Hollie, come. We'll speak in my office, while the rest finish everything up."

"Yes, Alpha." she said with a soft nod as she bit her lip. Entirely envious of the interaction she had just seen between the two mates, but a nervousness building and her own frustration resurfacing as she was now about to be scolded by the Alpha because of her own mate.

He walked over to the door and opened it, with an arm extended expecting the secretary to lead the way, his eyes back on Elizabeth and lingering on her until Hollie passed him, and he followed her begrudgingly to attend to the other matter of his interrupted day.

And Then She Was Gone Where stories live. Discover now