Please Forgive Me

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Dominic Pov's: 

 Fuck I was supposed to be home 2 hours ago, but NO I had to stay back cause of the big fight that broke out. The boys and I pleaded with couch to leave, but the idiots that we fought really got us all in the shits.

I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, but I get my phone out and send a quick text to Jevani. I know he's in love with my sister, what happened the other day cleared all my suspensions.

Surprisingly I'm okay with it, actually happy for the both of them. He never hurt in any way.

His quick reply saying he's going over, has me calming down a little. Hoping she's okay, I put my phone back in my pocket and face the idiots that's getting glares from the team.

*ring ring 

Ignoring the glares coming from my coach, I answer the phone immediately. What I hear next breaks my heart.

Phone call

Dominic: Is she okay?

Jevani: You need to go to the hospital now! We're on our way. Fuck!!! Just hurry up and met us there okay!!!

End of Call

Rushing out of the locker room I sprint to my car with the boys following. Ignoring their questions we get in the car and I speed all the way to the hospital. I spot Jevani and the rest of the guys who look like they've been crying. Asking questions after questions, Jevani kept ignoring me while looking at the door.

I was getting annoyed with his actions I was about to punch him when, the door suddenly slammed open and in came paramedics wheeling in a bloodies chick.

Getting shoved out of the way, Jevani he runs over to the chick and starts asking the paramedics for updates???

The fuck I thought he loved my sister??? Is this some sick joke he's playing.

All of a sudden all the boys are running to the girl, annoyed at their actions I walk over to see what's wrong with the girl.

Finally reaching them I feel my heart drop.

Laying in bed, is my baby sister. All pale from the amount of blood loss, flowing out of her wrists. Her beautiful long hair, gone. She cut it.

Feeling my tears build up, I let my eyes go over her body. Letting my tears drop as I see the many bruises, both old and new

and all the cuts she's inflected on herself.

I failed her, I failed her as a brother. Now I ask myself was it really, Was it worth it?

Jevani's Pov:

Barging through their front door, I call out Zahrah's name but never got a response. Sprinting up into her room, I walk in without knocking.

Noticing all her things are thrown around, I start panicking when I don't see her anywhere. I run out of her room and start checking the whole house. Going back into hers, I'm faced with her bathroom door, pushing all my fears down I reach for the door knob and push the door open.

My eyes widen when I see my love in the bloodied water. Not caring at all I reach down and pick her up. I dial the ambulance and give them the address. 

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