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"Move it or lose it, Snow cone!" you shouted at Zeena as you approached her in a snowy area as she was sitting on a cliff and you were standing on the ground. Zeena was a member of an evil group of Zetis known as The Deadly Six, who were previously working for the evil Dr. Eggman while he was able to mind control them. However, they eventually broke free and now were causing mayhem on their own. A few of them have gotten in your way before, but now it was Zeena's turn. However, as you gazed at her, dazzled by her beauty, you didn't feel any deep natural hatred or anger towards her, despite all the evil she was trying to accomplish. You didn't see her as an immediate threat. She stood out as the only female member of the Deadly Six, which caught you off guard. After all, you only caught brief, slight glances of her earlier when she was with the others during the other encounters; you never got as good of a look at her that you have now earlier, so naturally, it was surprising. And now that you can see her nails, her hair, her soft face, and bright lips, it was alot for your heart to handle at once. Whether she realized it or not, she already had an advantage in the battle, and she wasn't playing fair. She was squeezing your heart as you looked at her. You realize that if you can't pull yourself together, you won't stand a chance.

"The last time we met, you ruined my nail-art..." she began, snapping you back into reality after you dozed off admiring her, "NOW I HAVE TO RE-APPLY A WHOLE NEW COAT!" she shouted, making you feel bad. It wasn't fair at all; she was the enemy, how could she be making you feel bad about a minor inconvenience at most for her when she was trying to bring about destruction? How could you honestly feel bad for her when you did nothing wrong? You've taken down other members of the Deadly Six, so why was it that just because she's a girl it's different all of a sudden? It was weird, but you clearly had some sort of feelings for her, as crazy as it sounded, despite hardly knowing her. You've also seen plenty of pretty girls before, just none of them were quite like her. Cute was an understatement. Pretty was an understatement. She was beyond simple compliments; she was Zeena, and she was going to make you remember her name.

You immediately expressed the deep remorse and embarrassment you felt as your face grew warm and red; "Oh my gosh are you serious? I am so, so sorry." She seemed surprised, like no one had ever cared about her appearance, or in this case, disturbing it before. She was briefly at a loss of words, but she could tell how sincere and flustered you were. She honestly found you kind of cute the way you were so quick to humbly apologize, and the way you acted around her.

"Oh, well in that case..." she stated. The reassuring look she gave you practically made your heart melt. "Y-y-yeah, I really didn't mean to mess up your n-n-nails like that," you began, stammering your words with your face as hot and bright as ever, "I can tell you worked hard on them, they look really good" you said trying to force out any sort of compliment. "Wait-" you began to think to yourself, "Remember what Knuckles taught you about picking up girls, it's about the confidence, it's about the spirit! I can pull this off, I just need to relax and focus. Focus on what I'm saying, focus on how I look, and most importantly, focus on what I want!" you encouraged yourself via remembering something you discussed with your friend on one occasion. You perked your body up, you softened your expression, and you managed to get somewhat of a hold of yourself for the moment.

"Oh, well thanks for that" Zeena said, "That's sweet of you to say."

"In fact," you began, "I actually wouldn't mind getting a closer look at those nails, if you don't mind."

"Well, I don't have a problem with that" Zeena replied, looking pretty flattered. After all, she had worked hard to make sure her nails looked good, so it was nice for someone to actually acknowledge that for once.

Zeena jumped down from the cliff to where you were standing, walked up to you, and presented her hand with her fingers spread apart so it would be easier for you to see her nails. Her nails were, indeed, pretty to look at; they were long, well shaped, and most attractively, Hot Pink in color, making them vibrant yet also easy on the eyes. They were also remarkably clean and shiny.

Now was the time to make your first move. "Here goes nothing!" you thought to yourself. You then clasped her hand, pulled it towards your lips, and kissed it, to her surprise. Her face began to brighten and heat up a little once you did that. She looked surprised, no one had done anything like that before. She looked you in the eyes for a second, she wasn't sure what came over you all of a sudden. The thought passed her over when she saw how awkwardly you acted initially, but given what you just did, it returned to her and seemed more likely now; did you actually like her?

You couldn't believe you just did that, but there was no stopping now. "Focus on what I want!" you reminded yourself. You shot her an intrigued look. It was time for the next move; you squeezed her hand, you took a step closer to her, you wrapped your hand around her waist, and you slightly pulled her closer. "Come here," you said. You took a moment to admire her once again. Up close, you saw even more beauty than you did previously. "Your hair is so pretty, could I maybe touch it?" you asked, your faces close. "Um, s-s-sure..." she said, her face practically on fire.

Both of your heartbeats were racing as you released her hand and brushed your hand across her soft, silky, green hair. You could hardly believe this was happening, you couldn't believe you stayed composed like how Knuckles taught you. You couldn't resist, your heart was about to explode. The time was now, it was now or never. It was time for the final move; you grabbed the back of her head and pulled her face towards yours, shoving your lips together and kissing her. She was shocked and her eyes widened, but she soon became immersed in your love and kissed back, as both of you closed your eyes and you were both sucked into the sudden moment. You removed your hand from her head and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer.

You couldn't believe this, this was your first kiss and with the most beautiful girl you've ever seen that you just met. Zeena couldn't believe this either, this was her first kiss too. This was the first time in her life someone truly wanted her, and it was overwhelming for her. She wrapped her hands around the back of your neck, pulling your mouth closer to hers. The kiss was deep and passionate. Your bodies were so close to one another's, you both felt so warm and content. This was one of the happiest moments of your life and you never wanted it to end.

Soon though, the kiss ended and you both opened your eyes and looked at one another intently. Both of you were breathing heavily and smiled at each other. "....Wow" you softly said. "....Yeah, wow" she muttered back. Time froze, and the world briefly revolved around the two of you, analyzing what just happened, sharing the moment with each other.

Zeena then looked down, and then briefly back up at you, before looking up, and then back down. Her eyes widened, and she looked back up at you, "I have to go" she quickly said before starting to run off. "Zeena!" you shouted, "Zeena, wait!" you shouted again, but she left. You were confused; how could she do this? How could she just leave you alone to think this through by yourself? But then again, she probably needed time to think too. This was alot to take in for both of you, and some people need time for themselves first before they can share their feelings with others. You had no problem giving her that time though, because you loved her.

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