- kidnap -

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Total words: 2348

Summary: sirius kidnaps y/n, for some anwers about her death eater cousin, but ends up falling for her yet again.

Trigger warning: none


Y/n shot opened her eye and found herself in a dark room, tied to a chair. Her arms and feet tied with a rope to the chair. She started to shake her body in order to get out but it was no use.

"What have I done you ass, untie me!" She shouted.

At that moment someone entered the room, she wasn't able to see who it was because the flash of light that came into the dark room, caused her to squint her eyes.

"Who are you? Let me go!" She shouted again.

"Look y/n I need a few answers from you, then you are free to go." The girl immediately recognised who's voice it was. It was someone who she loved dearly, with whom she wanted to share her life, the person who she was with no matter what, and that person was Sirius Black. But nonetheless he left her.

"What do you want black!" She hissed.

"Calm down there. And show me you arms." Sirius said calmly.

She immediately understood what the boy was asking.

"Look no death mark! Now let me go black!" She said permitting the boy to see her arms, incase there was the mark of her being a Death Eater.

"Now now, what's the hurry, we still have a few questions with us." Sirius said taking a chair and sitting opposite the girl.

"When was the last time you saw Rosier?" He asked her. Evan Rosier was y/n's cousin, who decided to join the death forces.

"I saw him at his graduation at Hogwarts."

"Mhmm, have you been in any contact with him lately?" He questioned.

"No and even if I was I would never tell you!" She lied, because infact she was in contact with him, but not because she helped him with being Death Eater but because there was something or someone.

"See y/n as quickly and calmly you answer, you are free to go home, but please answer. I don't like seeing you tied to a chair." Sirius said with well a... serious face.

"Look black no I haven't been in contact with anyone or anything! You let me go because unlike you I have people to take care of!" She yelled at the black haired boy.

"Ok you are clearly in contact with Death Eaters, but won't admit. So it leaves me to my last choice, keep you tied just like this to this exact chair untill that pretty little mouth of your spills some secrets." Sirius sighed standing up from his chair.

"Don't like seeing you tied to a chair my ass. Fuck off." She said mocking Sirius.

And with that Sirius scoffed and left the room. Y/n once again alone in the dark room, with no source of light, food or water. And heck she was tied to a chair too.


Monday arrived quicker than ever. Y/n still tied to the chair, sweating and swearing.

"Black let me go or I'll skin you alive!" She shouted for the millionth time.

"Oh good morning to you too darling." Sirius said while entering the room, looking handsome as ever, holding a bag of some muggle chips.

"Let me go!" She said trying to wiggle out of the ropes.

"Oh not so easily Darling, you tell me where your cousin is, and I in return will let you go." He said with one of his signature smirk.

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