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"Dammit why aren't you angry with me?! After all I've done to you, why are you still nice to me" as Saeran shouting and grabbing y/n's shoulder harder. Everything went silent in the space between them. Saeran look down, for the first time he was afraid looking at y/n's eyes. He felt he was loosing even tho he always screamed and shouted at her. He felt her eyes made him-
Y/n's voice was so gentle and soothing in his ears. Y/n then continue " I wanted to understand you". Saeran just froze as his mind full of questions. "What? Understanding me? Is she joking? Why would she want to do that?" Something warm is on his face made him stop thinking about his doubts, it was y/n's hands. Her hands are soft as feathers, as she smile "I wanted to know you better, I understand if you don't trust what I'm saying right now but I mean it. I just feel like you have a reason why your acting like this." Saeran just don't understand this girl but yet her words are comforting him and he felt for the first time warm inside. He thinks this is why Ray likes y/n soo much. "Why are you like this? I thought you were only nice if I was Ray" his voice sounds like he wants to cry but holding it back and there were voice cracks between them."Saeran, you don't have to hold your tears. It's okay to express emotions other than anger. It's okay" as y/n hug him to comfort this strong yet fragile male. Y/n can feel Saeran is crying silently in her arms. He didn't made any sound even tho y/n expected that he will yell at her instead of letting it out, but he didn't. For the first time forever he finally found someone who understands him. "Do you feel better? If there's more you can let it out"
"No that's enough"
"You know, crying doesn't considered as weak. It's letting out stress so if you want to you can always cry even tho it's a little" as y/n smiles and sits on a near chair.
After minutes once again, silence was filled in they're room. Saeran then just sit down on y/n's bed and just stare at the floor not knowing what to say after letting out tears in front of y/n. She then gets up from the chair and slowly walking towards the man she cared and sits down beside him.

"What are you doing" he then breaks the silents.
"Accompanying you" y/n said with a smile "Like I said, I want to understand you for your behavior. I want to understand what's burdening you, I want to understand what's bothering you in your life, I want to know everything about you." As y/n's eyes glows in the moonlight
Saeran's cheek was painted with a small blush. He looks away wanting that y/n didn't saw that expression but obviously she did.
"I was just 15 that I was seperated from my brother" he then starts spilling his past. "Not knowing his alive and well and whatever reason why he left. I was scared that he didn't survive at the outside world but I pray and pray everyday he was happy and save but at the same time I wanted to see him again, I miss him soo much until this day but instead of that I was filled with anger for him leaving me. But now y/n because of you, now I know there's a reason why he left."

He then raise his arms towards y/n and brush her face. "I also want to apologize for everything I did to you, now I understand that you are gentle yet strong, I'm sorry y/n I know you won't forgive me." His face was sad and no hint of lying. He was being sincerer for the first time. "Don't worry Saeran, I already forgave you for a long time now." as she hold Saeran's hands close to her. He now realize he has someone to protect now, he wants to be on her side to protect and accompany her for the rest of his life.
"Saeran, is there any possible way for you and Ray to become one?"
"I- we are already one now, Saeran and Ray now are one in this body and wishes you for happiness. They are now at peace with each other."
"I'm glad everything works out, Saeran"
Saeran then decided it is time for him to leave y/n's room that now he has something to do. But when he tried to leave, someone hug him to prevent from doing so. "Where are you going, we were just starting to get to know each other"

His body felt her warmth and yearning for that source. He feel like his face was burning. He then tried to free himself gently from her arms. "I got something to do"
"In this hour? Aren't you tired?"
He sigh not also wanting to leave "Yes y/n, don't worry you'll see me tomorrow, I promise"
He then walk through the doors leaving y/n behind. Y/n now understands that Saeran is planning something related escaping from this hell disguise as a paradise. Both sides are hoping everything will work out tomorrow.

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