Because He Confuses Me.

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He is such a timelessly beautiful enigma. He has all my love, he holds my heart within his delicate hands. Yet those dainty hands could easily ruin me. All he must do is crush my heart and even as the pieces slip through his fingertips I willingly go down worshipping the very

ground he walks upon. He has the dagger that is my undoing, my love for him just might be my Achilles heel. He has so much control over me, yet I wonder does he even know the power he holds? I beg of him to let me be his Hyacinth, him, my Apollo as he destroys the very essence of

me. I crave to be his Juliette, but I also ask of him to outsmart Romeo. I weep for him to not follow me into the afterlife. I wish nothing more than for him to let me love him so fiercely that I die giving him pleasure. I desire that he be my Aphrodite and I, just a mere mortal

throwing my life away if only to have him spare me a glance. For it is in my destiny to love him, to worship him, to cherish him. As for his fate? To be the one to end me, to make the final blow. To know this pleases me. It fills me with the utmost joy to have him as my ultimate

deliverer. For he may not love me, but I adore his every breath. As he brings everything I have ever known to the end of its existence I know he will whisper sweet nothings into my temple. He will murmur his false love for me into my heaving bosom. He will coo to me as he weeps

over my fallen body as the air within my lungs parts with me. I can only hope that as he learns to forget me that I do not forget him. He pretends to love me so well. In fact, if you did not his love was faux, you may never know. He is such a passionate lover. He shall one day no

longer know me. This, a sacrifice I have to make to be able to touch his skin. I only pray to whatever entity that may be above him, if there is one higher than him, that I was able to touch his heart in such a way that he feels my love for him even when I am gone. I know he has

a compassionate side to him. Although he shows it to almost no one, it is there. Though he may be the bane of my presence, I can not deny that there is no other reason this crimson liquid flows through me other than to love him. So, as it is written in my prophecy, I do love him.

This poem was originally going to be a tweet thread on twitter but the more I poured my heart out the more I decided this wasn't meant for a twitter thread. So I decided to write a poem but keep the characters per part limited on characters. So each part fits into a tweet. Why I did this I'm not entirely sure but it just felt right for this piece.

- Lake

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