Chapter 1: New life, New world, New times

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"Thanks for the apple," Nero said to the Skwovet politely.

"No problem, you looked hungry." Said the Skwovet in a squeaky voice. This made Nero stop what he was doing or even think. "We thought that you looked a little hungry and giving you one apple wouldn't hurt. You should head home soon too, there is a rumor that a Witch lives in these woods. So I wouldn't stay too long." Said the Skwovet that then left with the other two. All Nero could process was that those Pokémon can talk.

"Those Pokémon talked... THEY TALKED!?" Nero said he was confused, to him that wasn't normal then again turning into a Pokémon wasn't considered normal either. Nero then walked to a tree and sat down on the side of the tree looking up again, thinking if he made the right choice coming to this world. Nero came from a world of Pokémon, full of adventure and dreams, he thought that one day he would go out on his Pokémon journey only for that dream to be ruined by the "Caretaker".

Not too long ago Nero was facing the man who was known as the Caretaker of the orphanage he lived in and what he told him. "I'm sorry Nero, but due to you not having any parental guardian you can't become a Pokémon trainer. But don't be sad. You get to stay here~" Said the Caretaker with his voice not full of any sympathy for the boy but just pure joy as he said every word.

As the memory ended Nero snapped back into reality as he got back up and started eating the apple. "I don't know why I'm here but I know I am here now, I'm no longer just going to stay somewhere kept hidden from the eyes of others. I'm going to live my own life. You don't scare me anymore you creepy caretaker, I am Nero, I will live on my own way and make my path." Nero thought to himself as he finished the apple and as he took the one last bite of the fruit he heard an explosion not too far from him. The sound of the explosion nearly gave the boy a quick shock and made his heart skip a beat from how surprising the blast was, he wanted to run away from the sound but something caught his attention; he could see a blue light not that far that was telling him to follow.

As he was getting closer to the light Nero was now at the edge of a large clearing in the forest hiding in a bush to stay out of view, he saw a few Pokémon all over knocked out on the ground and only three standing all but one looked to be bug-like Pokémon one was a large spider-like Pokémon that had a red body and yellow and purple legs; This was the Pokémon Ariados the Long Leg Pokémon and the other bug Pokémon was a large bee with two large stingers for hands or something; This was a Beedrill the Poison Bee Pokémon. The only other Pokémon that wasn't a bug looked to be a feline-like Pokémon that stood on two legs, Its fur is mostly white with deep red, scar-like markings on the face, chest, and forepaws. It has two long, and black claws on its forepaws. It has pink eyes, long ears, and a small red nose. It was also carrying a brown satchel bag. This is a Zangoose the Cat Ferret Pokemon.

The Zangoose dashed at the Beedrill and slash the Bee Pokémon with its sharp claws forcing the Pokémon to get knocked back from the hit. "Why you- HOW ARE YOU THIS STRONG?!" Said the Aridos with a tone of anger. "You're just one Pokémon and you took out an army of six Lv. 13 Beedrills and we haven't even hit you once."

"That's simple, You guys are just too easy to beat." Said the Zangoose in a cheerful tone as if to make fun of the bugs which only annoyed the Spider-like Pokémon. "You bandits have this coming, you stole from anyone who comes near here and you guys are 'Bugging' a family that lives in the forest." He said with a tone that sounded smudged making the Aridos angrier and almost made Nero chuckle as he did find that joke a little funny. The Aridos noticed one of the Beedrills on the ground. Its main stinger started to glow like it was charging an attack. Nero saw and noticed the Beedrill he wanted to warn the Zangoose about the attack, but if he did then the Bugs would see him and attack him and he didn't know how to defend himself in this new body of his. Nero noticed some small stones on the ground, he hoped that his throw was still as good now as when he was human. Nero picked up one of the small stone and ready to throw, he focused and threw the stone at the Beedrill and landed a hit on the Bee Pokémon's eye making the Beedrill flinched and he fired a beam of energy that missed the Zangoose and it had hit the other Beedrill taking it out from the attack.

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