"Douloureux, where are we?"

He smiled like she'd said something funny. "Marinette."

She shook her head, frowning. "No joking around, Douloureux. Where did you take us?"

"Marinette," Douloureux said again, this time quieter as he stared up at her. When her frown only deepened, tears started gathering in his eyes. Immediately, she choked on her empathy and hugged him again.

"Wait, dudette... Isn't that the playground that we used to visit as kids?" Nino pointed to the side. Marinette turned, surprised to see an exact replica of the old playground by the pond. It had been torn down years ago, but in elementary school, she went there all the time with Nino and Kim. Why was it here?

"Wait, you don't think...?" She whipped her head around to stare at Nino, wide eyed. He nodded, frowning.

"He's saying your name because that's where we are. I think we're in your head, Marinette," Nino stated grimly. Marinette shook her head.

"No, no, we can't be. I- no, no, no..."

Putting a hand on Douloureux's shoulder, Marinette pleaded with him. "Please, you have to take us back. Not here. Our classroom. Please!"

Douloureux sniffled. "Can't. Gotta make bad memories go bye-bye before we can leave."

Marinette paled. This was bad. Actually, this was worse than bad. This was a downright disaster. Getting rid of her bad memories meant, not only exposing things to her classmates that she didn't want them to see or know, but also that she might lose all of her memories of being Ladybug. After all, fighting akumas wasn't exactly her definition of a fun time.

"Are you saying that the only way to leave is to watch Dupain-Cheng's depressing backstory!? What the hell!? Why am I even here!? This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" Chloe shrieked, waving her hands around. A few other students murmured in agreement before Alya spoke up.

"Hey, now, I'm sure this'll be quick. And it'll be awesome footage for the Ladyblog! Besides, it's just Marinette. Her worst memories are probably just her tripping over air every time she's near her crush," Alya teased, not seeming to realize how hurtful her words were. Chloe sniffed, throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"Obviously you don't know Marinette at all if you think her worst memories are going to be so plain. Quite the best friend," Chloe scoffed. Alya lit up red.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?"

"Guys!" Nino groaned. "We're literally in the middle of an akuma attack and trapped in Marinette's head about to see memories that I'm sure she'd rather not share. Not the time."

Marinette worried on her bottom lip, desperately looking around for some way to leave. Or even just send her classmates away.

"We can't leave," Marinette said, pointing between herself and Douloureux, "but what about them? Can you send them back, Douloureux?"

Douloureux glanced at her classmates, brows furrowed. He shook his head. "Not supposed to be here. They got stuck. Accident. Can't go back without bad memories gone."

"Accident? You mean, you didn't mean to drag us here?" Adrien prompted. He hoped Ladybug could fare without him for now. Douloureux shook his head again.

"Marinette. Only Marinette. You got..." he struggled for the right word, "sucked in. Not supposed to be here."

"Great. Kidnapped by accident. You know, I'd always thought that if I was ever kidnapped it'd be because they wanted me. Not because I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Alix muttered, crossing her arms. Kim grinned.

"You too? I expected my kidnapping to be a lot more... action-packed. I'm a bit disappointed, to be honest." Kim frowned.

"Oh my god, I'm the only sane one," Nino whispered in horror. Alya cackled, recording it all with glee.

"Let's hurry this up then!" Alya urged, zooming the camera in on Marinette's face. When Marinette went white as a sheet, Alya's eyes softened. "Hey, it's okay, girl. Think of it this way; the sooner we do this, the sooner we leave here and Ladybug can defeat the akuma. We promise to never make fun of anything we see through your memories either. Right?"

The class murmured in agreement. It didn't make her feel any better.

"Sorry Nettie," Nino rubbed the back of his neck. "It's so not cool, but it doesn't seem like we have a choice."

Marinette flinched. She knew it was true. This was the only way. That didn't mean she had to like it. Straightening up, she pretended her hands weren't shaking and faced Douloureux.

"How does this work?" She asked. He tilted his head, reaching to hold her hand. She let him.

"We watch worst memories. You face them and when all have been watched, I send you back. I keep bad memories in jar. They can't hurt you there." He opened the bag hanging off his shoulder, revealing several jars with swirling liquid inside. It was like the stars themselves had been plucked from the sky and forced into his glass containers. Marinette could only stare.

"What if I want my bad memories? Can't I keep them?" She implored him softly. He hesitated, fiddling with his bag. Slowly, he shook his head.

"Bad memories. Make you sad. I take them. You no sad anymore," he stated firmly. This, she could tell, was not a fight she could win.

"Fine," she relented. "Just... make it quick."

She squared her shoulders as Douloureux nodded. The rest of the class watched in an uncomfortable silence as Douloureux waved his hands and a large screen appeared. Static filled the video before it cut into a first-person view.

"One," Douloureux declared. Adrien frowned.

"How many are there total?"


Four. Four memories, four possible reveals, four painful times she didn't want to face. Four.

"Let's just... start," Marinette mumbled. She glanced up hesitantly as Nino sidled up beside her. He gave her a smile, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. A hand ruffled her hair and she looked up to see Kim grinning down at her.

"Don't worry 'bout a thing, little Nettie! Kim the Crusher is here to protect you!" He winked, flexing his muscles. She couldn't help snorting, leaning even more into Nino. Nino and Kim were always there for her, even when they were kids and she was getting picked on by Chloe. The past few years, they'd drifted apart, but it felt nice to know that, if it came down to it, they would always have her back. Douloureux watched them with an unreadable look. Marinette would almost say it was... longing. Abruptly, Douloureux turned back to the screen.


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