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Hardin's pov.

After I talked with Steph that I found out that Victoria left back to New York.
I tried calling her but she doesn't pick up.
I know that I fucked up.

I tried calling again for the 6 sixth time and she finally answered.

• Phone call •

"What do you want Hardin?" A woman's voice answered
"Mrs. Rae? Is Victoria with you?" I asked wiping away my tears.
"Yes, she has come home. Where she belongs." Mrs. Rae says.
"Let me talk to her," I said.
"That's not gonna happen. I'm sorry Hardin please stop calling. Leave my poor daughter alone this is gonna be the last time you hurt her." Mrs. Rae says.
"Mrs. Rae please let me talk to her. I begging you." I said.
"Listen to me Hardin you're toxic and bad news. I knew this since day one so if you love my daughter and I think you do, let her go." Mrs. Rae says.
"Mrs. Rae, I just wanna talk to her. Please, please. Mrs. Rae please, just let me talk to her." I said begging her.
"Give her a chance to live life without heartbreak. I'm sorry goodbye Hardin." Mrs. Rae says and hangs up.

I'm such an idiot I ruined the good thing  I had in my life.  That cared for me and love me. Now I lost her.

I started to write a letter that I'm gonna leave behind at my place just in case she returns.

"My dearest Victoria,
like all our favorite stories, there's are happy and unhappy endings. I thought we had a chance for a happy one, but at last, it was not mean to be. I love you with all my heart, and that's exactly why I had to get as far away from you as possible. We're like an addiction to each other, with equal parts pleasure and pain. And as for that other night with Tessa, I had to apologize for my past to have a future with you, but fate just seems to get in our way. So let's cut the bullshit. You're too damn good for me, and I know it. And somewhere in the back of my mind I always knew we wouldn't last, and I think you did too.  I know this is going to be painful at first, and it could take days, even more. But one of those days, you're going to wake up and the sorrow will start to slip away until we're nothing but a distant memory.
Goodbye Victoria." 

I left the letter on the table and I left for England with my mum.
I can't stand being alone I need Victoria.


Victoria's pov.

I was in my room going through some of the old things that Hardin has given me.

I found a poem he wrote me when we first started dating.

• the poem •

"You are the prettiest
You are the cutest. If I had to invent a new word I would call you beautifulest. You are the most charming you are most intelligent. I have never seen someone who is so elegant. You are the girl that every guy desires. Baby, I love you a lot for you, my heart is on fire."

Then I found a couple of pictures of us.
I miss him so much.
I need him.
That can't happen again because he keeps hurting me.
I truly do love Hardin but I had enough.

I stopped looking through my memory box and I wiped away the tears. I noticed Gloria come in with my suitcases.

"Miss. Rae I brought your suitcases would you like me to put away your clothes," Gloria asked.
"No thank you, Gloria. You can go to whatever my mother has you doing." I said trying not to be rude.
"Yes, miss. Rae" she said and walked out.

She left I started looking around my room looking for my phone. I couldn't find it I probably left it in the living room.

I made it to the living room seeing my mother placing my phone on the coffee table.
"Mom, why were you on my phone?" I asked
"Your phone kept going off darling and I was just checking who it was." She said.
"Who was it?" I asked grabbing my phone. I checked the recent calls it was just a number that I don't recognize.
"Nobody darling. Why don't you head upstairs and get ready? I have a store rep bringing over a couple of handbags from our favorite stores. So we can pick out a couple of handbags." My mother said.
"Okay, mom thank you for trying to make me happy," I said walking upstairs.
I got dressed in a beautiful dress and I head downstairs to see the most beautiful handbags.


Evelyn's pov.

I had to lie to my daughter about Hardin calling. I deleted the recent calls.
I sent Victoria upstairs to change since we're having a store rep from our favorite stores. She finally arrived and started setting up the handbags. Victoria came downstairs in a dress that her father bought before she left for college. She looks so beautiful.

"Darling come sit," I said holding my hand out to her.
"Oh I feel so happy to be home and in this beautiful dress daddy bought for me," Victoria said.
"I'm glad Mija now come on let's pick some bags," I said.
Victoria was looking at the Hermès handbags I know that she going to pick one of those bags. Anything for my beautiful daughter.
She was looking through bags then her phone went off. I hope it's not Hardin.

"Could y'all excuse me for a moment please I need to answer this" Victoria says
"Darling who is it?" I asked
"No one important," she said and left the living room.


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