Chapter One

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Mason POV

"I'm not prepared for this test" my best friend Paisley says

It was Monday, and our chemistry teacher likes to schedule tests on Mondays.

"You could of came over to study with me" I say closing my locker

"why so Jason can annoy us the whole time" she asks

"he wasn't even home last night, he was out with some girl" I say

She shrugged.

"I study as much as I could" she says

I nod, and we walk to class.

"Mason" I hear my name called

I turned to see my younger sister Cameron run up to me.

"what's up Cam" I ask

"don't worry about picking me up from practice, I'm getting a ride from one of our new players" she says

"who" I ask

"her name is Isabella, she's a senior, and just moved down the street so she offered to drive me home" she says

"Do mom and dad know" I ask

She nods.

"Okay" I say

She walks away heading to class.

"Isabella, as in Isabella Russo" Paisley asks

"I don't know who that is" I ask

"hey guys ready for the test" our friend Aaron asks walking up to us

"yeah, I just want to get it over with" I say

We walk into our chemistry class, and sit down preparing for our test. Our teacher passes out our test, and we start taking it. It was half way through, and the door opened.

"Miss Russo, nice of you to finally show up" our teacher says

"I was busy" this Russo chick says

"what could you be busy doing" our teacher Mrs. Duncan asks

The girl shrugged.

"something better than taking an exam"

"excuse me! Just because you moved here last week doesn't mean you can just skip your test" Mrs. Duncan says furious

"I can probably take the test in like 10 minutes, let me see one" the girl says

"first you show up late, then you demand me to give you the test" Mrs Duncan says

"I see why you're a chemistry teacher. Do you know what demanding means? saying 'let me see one' is not demanding, saying 'give me the god damn test now' is demanding. Now give me the damn test" she says

Mrs. Duncan looks at her shocked. The girl rolls her eyes, and goes over, and grabs a test before sitting down, and taking the test, and she was right after 10 minutes she got up, and handed it in.

"where are you going" Mrs. Duncan asks

"the principal, aren't you going to send me there anyways" the girl says

"go" Mrs. Duncan huffed

"sorry about that everyone, continue your tests" Mrs. Duncan says sitting at her desk grading the girl's test

I'm guessing the girl did good because Mrs. Duncan closes the booklet with a shocked look on her face.

"how" she whispers "a 98%? how"

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