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Hey everyone hope all is well! Just wanted to write a trigger warning for premature childbirth. I wont be so graphic but uts still here love you all!!!

(F/n) woke up besides Colin feeling wetness in the bed. She thought she was just sweaty but when she woke up she saw blood on the bed. She shook colin up frantically

"Colin-the baby" she said "somethings wrong"

Colin blinked and looked down realising the wet sheets. "I- ok ok um" he quickly jumped up from the bed and done as (f/n) said; he sent an urgent owl to Snape and though he was told to send one to the malfoy boy; it was his personal decision not to. He felt Draco had no right to be part of her life after placing hands on her let alone the babies but he would keep it to himself. He then called the midwife and (f/n)'s doctor.

One by one everyone entered the medium sized apartment, Colin held (f/n)'s hand and squeezed it, Severus did on the other as well.

"Where's Draco?" (F/n) cried in pain from the contraptions.

"I'm not sure" Colin said truthfully but also decievingly.

"Its okay if he isn't here. (F/n) you aren't alone" Snape said seriously. He lifted a brow at Colin knowingly. He wouldn't say it but Colins decision not to inform Draco was one that he agreed on.

"Dad" (f/n) said with teary eyes "I'm scared somethings wrong-what If they don't" She asked "all of this blood and pain...I don't think is normal"

"Dont you worry your little head about that please; you have the very best midwife and doctor.available to the Wizarding world." Snape's tone never faltered from being confident.

"I'm still scared"

"And its natural to be" the doctor said as he finally arrived. He quickly got to work

Time went on and the delivery dragged as well; hours of relentless pushing and still no success. The doctor and midwives grew worried, the child was stuck and the embullical cord wrapped around their neck; it was critical they deliver the child as soon as possible.

They casted a sedative spell on (f/n) to ease her pain and went in to an emergency c section. After finally delivering the child they were able to cut the cord from around their neck. Unfortunately the newborn was blue and not breathing. Quickly they worked to resuscitate and the weak cries were heard in the room.

After patching up (f/n) and cleaning the little one their sex was revealed. A girl, precious and small she was a miracle and she was now the center of (f/n)'s world.

She cried as the midwife handed her the newborn. "Shes my daughter and shes beautiful" (f/n) exclaimed. For some reason all of the tribulations, the pain the suffering that (f/n) endured in the past years was worth it and she couldnt care less. Not about what the hogwarts were saying about her, not about Draco missing the birth of his firstborn nothing mattered while the baby was in her arms.

"Have you got a name for her?" Snape asked in awe of his grandchild.

"Pandora" (f/n) said softly.

"Pandora is a lovely name."

"You can hold her if you like father, once she's nursed though"

Snape's eye twinkled and though he wouldn't openly say it he was excited and inamoured with his beautiful grandchild.

Colin looked at Snape and (f/n) and smiled gently. In his heart he felt like he did wrong in not telling Draco but his mind knew it was the right thing.

"Colin, you haven't had a good look at her" (f/n) said inviting him over. He nodded and walked over looking at the pretty newborn. She obviously had some resemblance to Draco, the pale blue eyes and his nose but everything else was surley her mother.

(F/n) was exhausted, her (h/l) (h/c) hair messy and her (e/c) colored eyes normally bright and full of life had bags and dark circles. This birth took alot from her.

Once the baby pandora was latched on and nursing (f/n) unknowingly fell asleep herself. Snape took the infant from her and placed her in a small bassinet right next to (f/n)s bed.

"I promise to always be apart of your life, the way I couldn't be for my own child." He said gently yo his granddaughter he then looked to Colin.

"We should wait before telling Draco"

"I don't even think he has the right to know" Colin said sternly

"This is still his child. I was robbed of being a father; he shouldn't be either but-he shouldnt know right away."

"No offense professor Snape; Draco raised his hands to your daughter and you want him to be around her again?"

"Its not a matter of just (f/n) at this point, its for pandora knowing her father"

"What if he's worse now that pandora is born?"

Snape sighed and silence fell between the pair. Colin had a very valid point, still he couldnt help but feel that Draco should know in time.

"She needs a father" snape said finally breaking the silence

"She has one, Me" Colin said standing his ground.

"Make an honest woman out of my daughter Colin. You have my blessing" snape said coldly.


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