Part 6

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I was walking along side my red-haired friend, laughing and talking. When we neared our horses I felt someone pull me by my arm with force, yanking me away from Shirayuki.

I was startled by the rough manner in which I was grabbed, I immediatly went to use my magic to get away from the man, until I realized that Shirayuki was watching me.

I had stopped myself in the knick of time thankfully and there wasn't many people around because we were almost out of the town in a little wooded area that we had tied our horses in.

"You vile demon! I thought we rid this land of your kind long ago!" The man yelled gripping my arm tighter until I thought it would break.

"Take your hands off of her now! She's done nothing wrong!" Shirayuki protested trying to pull me away from the man, who paid no mind to her.

As I looked up, I froze. I remember this man, he was one of the people who killed my mother. The look in his eyes showed fear, disgust, and anger.

It was terrifying. I couldn't even speak because I was so afraid, I still couldn't break away from his grip.

But then, I blinked and he was on the ground holding his now bleeding nose. Obi stood in front of me in a defensive fighting stance.

"Keep your disgusting hands off of her." Obi barked out. For a moment the man looked shaken with fear at the look in Obi's eyes.

"You poor souls, you have no idea what kind of monster you are protecting!" the man said slowly getting up from the ground.

"The only monster I see here is you!" Shirayuki said.

"Stay away from her if you know what's good for you, bastard. I won't let you hurt her." Obi growled.

There was the dark aura that I sensed, it was almost like he was a different person, still it didn't scare me. It only made me feel safe standing behind the cat-eyed man, clinging onto him tightly.

"You all will see for yourselves soon enough. That thing should be disposed of, I cannot allow it to remain. I have already told the others that she is here, and soon enough the propper measures will be taken. Just look at it's blood colored eyes! That's proof enough that it is evil incarnate. You two should get away from the demon before it kills you." He yelled, pointing a boney finger at me.

As he ran from us, I stood still with my head hung low. I still couldn't find my voice to say anything at all. Shirayuki and Obi just looked at me with pitiful eyes.

He knows where I live...I'll be killed. I need to get home. Now.

"You okay, Miss Ruby? Did he hurt you?" Obi asked turning to me, pulling my hand from my side to look at my black and purple spotted arm. Still I stayed silent.

"That's a pretty nasty bruise you have there, I have something that will help with the pain." Shirayuki said, pulling a jar from her bag. "Is it alright if I put this ointment on you, Arisa?"

I nodded my head, and she procided to fix me up. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened, if I would have just kept to myself none of this would have happened.

"I need to go now, I'm sorry for causing you two trouble." I bowed my head. "Thank you for all the kindness you've shown me." Tears started dripping onto the ground on my feet.

Obi lightly tapped my head with his fist. "You don't need to apologize, none of this was your fault. The guy was probably just a drunk." He put his hands on his hips. "Anyways, I promised you that I could get you home, so we will take you back when you're ready."

"Thank you." I said looking up to meet his gaze. "Obi... I'll always remember what you've done for me." I took Aiya's reigning in my small, shaking hands while the other two mounted Obi's horse.

"Oh, it's nothing." He said waving the comment off with a hint of pink on his face. "I'd do it again in a heartbeat though."

"I just hope you two don't get hurt because of me." I said while pulling my tiny body onto my horse.

The ride through the forest was quiet. Noboby spoke a word, until we neared my small cottage that set in a large clearing. That's when Obi smelled something troublesome.

We all exchanged a worried glance before riding faster to get where the smell came from. The closer we got to my home, the smoke became thicker, stinging my eyes and throat.

Shirayuki tore off three pieces of cloth from the bottom of her dress, handing the ripped material to Obi and I, telling us to cover our mouth and nose so we wouldn't breathe in the smoke.

The flames had died down quite a bit, signaling that the fire had been started a lot earlier in the day. Seeing my home reduced to chunks of smoldering wood and ash broke my heart.

I sat there on the grass staring at what was left for what felt like hours, unaware of everything else around me. Sound was muffled and my vision was blurry from the tears that flowed down my pale cheeks.

I had nothing left. I had nowhere to go anymore. They will find me anywhere I go here. The thoughts pounded in my head.

I had failed to notice the arrival of Mukaze and a few his men. When I felt a familiar hand land on my shoulder, I stared to realize that it was starting to get dark. I looked over to Shirayuki who was also crying.

Obi just avoided eye contact, but I could tell he was upset about what had happened too. He just tried not to look at me with pity.

Was she crying for me? Why would she weep on my behalf?

As I shifted my gaze to the hand on my shoulder, I saw Mukaze crouched next to me.

"I'm sorry kid, we came as soon as we saw the smoke. We were too late noticing it." Mukaze said. "You all should really come back to the village with us, it's not safe out here at night. Obi, Shirayuki, I think it would be best to wait until morning to head back to Clarines."

With my body still slummed on the ground, I couldn't will myself up to follow the others. Obi placed one arm around my shoulders, and the other under my legs to carry me to his horse.

Shirayuki pulled herself up to sit on Mukaze's horse with him, while one of the man tied Aiya's reigns to his horse.

I felt so broken and lost now. The world I had known for so long was gone. Everything was gone.

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