Part 1

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(You can listen to what she was playing at the top)

It was quiet, which wasn't out of the ordinary. Sometimes, the quiet was almost deafening though but I had gotten used to it over the years that I had spent alone.

Being born a witch wasn't really something I had wanted but that's the hand I was dealt from the very beginning.

I could do just about anything you could imagine; I could heal people, start fires, make things float, and so much more.

I had become quite skilled over the years, so much so that I was confident in my abilities no matter the situation.

Regardless of that, I was still was a little scared of being around people for a long period of time because of what happened to my mother.

She had been killed about eight years ago by a group of people who believed her to be 'unnatural'.

They burned her alive in this very forest, still she managed to protect me by making me invisible so they didn't even know I was there.

She made me promise when I was very little to be very careful with my magic around others because some people would might try to hurt me because ignorance breeds fear after all.

After she was killed, I was too scared to go near anyone for a few years after, but now every once in a while I would speak to people who passed through the forest.

I sat high in my favorite tree while the wind whipped through my long white hair. I played my flute and watched as animals passed under me completely ignoring my existance until I heard a voice of a young woman coming from the underneath me.

"Obi, do you hear that?" She asked. "It's so beautiful!" I looked down to see her bright red hair blowing slightly in the breeze.

"Yes Miss. I believe it's coming from above us in the trees." He looked up to see me sitting in the tall tree by myself. "Hey!" He cupped his hands around his mouth to make his voice louder. "What are you doing up there? If you aren't careful you might fall."

Well, I guess saying hello wouldn't hurt right? Maybe I can ask her about her pretty red hair.

I began climbing down the branches effortlessly.

When my small bare feet finally met with the soft forest floor, I heard the red hair woman giggle a bit.

"Wow, looks like you worried for nothing Obi. She seems to know exactly what she is doing." She said looking over to her companion.

"I guess you're right, miss. She got down almost as fast as I could have." Obi shrugged, putting his hands behind his head and smiling a big goofy grin. "What were you playing up in that tree? I don't think I've ever heard that instrament before." Something about his aura intriged me, though his smile was playful there was a darkness I sensed around him.

"It's a bamboo flute that my mother made for me when I was little. It's the one of the only things in the world I hold dear. I usually play when I can." I sighed.

The hood of my black cloak covered most of my face which was the way I always wore it when I was close to anyone because of the unusual color of my scarlet eyes.

Suddenly, the wind blew hard throwing the hood back exposing my face to these two strangers. When I locked eyes with the red haired girl she looked amazed.

"Oh my, your eyes are so pretty! I've never seen anything like them." She beamed with excitement, and the smile she gave me was warm and kind. It was one I haven't seen from anyone in a very long time.

It was strange. This feeling in my chest. It made me want to hug her, and as I looked over to the man named Obi he seems to be dazed like he was in a trance of some sort just staring at me.

He probably thought I was odd looking, most people who saw me did. As I looked closer something catch my attention. His eyes. They looked like the eyes of a cat.

So she has bright red hair, and he has the eyes of a cat. Maybe I wasn't the only person in the world that looked different from other people after all. Maybe people like them would accept me one day.

"Thank you. I've never met anyone with red hair like yours either, I think it's beautiful." I blushed, looking away from her.

"Miss, we should really try getting back to the others before it gets any darker." Obi said. "You live out here alone? I didn't think there were any houses around this area."

"Yes, I've lived out here all of my life. But I live in a small house few miles from here. Are you camped near by?" I questioned.

"Well, we're with some friends at the moment. The Lions of the Mountains." The red haired girl said. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you came back with us. I would feel a lot better if you didn't have to go back on your own in the dark."

I knew I would be able to get home fairly quick because I knew this forest like the back of my hand.

Although, I did worry about them getting back safely. These mountains were very dangerous at night because of the animals, and someone who didn't know there way around could get lost easily.

Maybe I should agree to go back with them just for a night. Just to make sure she made it to her destination unharmed. She seemed trust worthy enough for some reason.

I would have never gave it a second thought if anyone else had asked. Why did I feel so drawn to her?

"My name is Shirayuki. And this here is Obi." She pointed to the cat eyed man next to her. "Will you come with us? We could get you home in the morning on our way back to Clarines."

Why are you all the way in Tabarun if you live in Clarines? That's a long way to travel.

Curiosity was getting the better of me and I wasn't sure why but I've been alone for so long, so it couldn't hurt to stay with them just for one night. Then I could go back to being a lonely tomorrow.

"Hello, my name is Arisa. I'll come with you for tonight." I stated while my anxity started to stir. Would this turn out alright? Am I putting too much trust into people that I had only just met?

We will just have to see how everything unfolds.

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