Time travel - Chapter 13

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Can we also appreciate how many photos I have of the Grey's cast 😬👍 I haven't need to search anything up yet

-* 3 months later *-
"And see here..." Bailey explained, pointing her hand towards a ct scans, "...here is a beast of a tumour!" 

Meredith gawked at the scan positioned in-front of her. It was a bilaterial tumour and was spread across the patient's entire chest: it was invading almost every major organ. Her eyes flickered from one scan to another, unable to look away.

"It's beautiful," admitted Meredith, before letting out a disappointed sigh, "sucks we can't remove it." She frowned, chewing on her cuticles anxiously, still examining the scans. A look of concentration took over her face. Her gaze manoeuvred up at Bailey who was writing something down on a pad of paper. She put her pen before looking up to meet Meredith's gaze. "No... I am going to remove it." She exclaimed proudly, "and you're going to do it with me."

This captured Meredith's attention. Her expression become shocked as she glared at Miranda waiting for an explanation. There was no possible way to remove this tumour without leaving the patient with major complications. "Look this woman... I've been working with her for a while. She means a lot to me and she told me to do everything we can. I owe her this, ok?"Bailey let out a sigh and looked up at the scans, scrunching her eyebrows. Meredith nodded doing the same thing, as the two stood in silence trying to figure out a surgical plan.

-*3 hours later*-

"I mean we could direct through there." Bailey said pointing towards the left of the scan. Meredith shook her head sighing, "there would be too much bleeding, it wouldn't work." She laid back in her chair, tapping her foot on the floor. This was impossible.

"Look, there's no shame in just letting this one go. She could possibly live a month or so with this..." Meredith stated. "NO!" Bailey yelled, causing Meredith to flinch in her seat. Miranda turned to face her, noticing her reaction and letting out a heavy sigh. "Look I'm sorry. I- I just can't ok. This patient, I owe her everything." Bailey said, mumbling the last sentence. Meredith smiled sympathetically, biting the sides of her cheeks. "You never told me what happened between you and the patient." Meredith stated but was interrupted by the sharp opening of the door.

The two turned to face the figure entering the room. Richard stumbled in, grabbing hold of the door handle before looking up at the two of them. His eyes manoeuvred from Bailey to Meredith before taking in a deep breath. "Meredith, I need you in my office, please." He asked, a face of concern appearing. Meredith looked up at him disappointedly before staring back at the tumour in front of her. "Look, can't it wait. I'm kind of busy right now." she sighed, wanting to continue solving the tumour. She stared back up at him, tilting her head to the side.

"It's Addie." he stated. "Now will you come?"

Sorry this chapter hasn't really been read through meaning I haven't edited it much. So if their are any mistake please let me know.


Hehe dw we are back with the Merdisson shit don't worry.

Anyway love you all lots. I have my first day back at school tomorrow so I might not be able to post as regularly but I'll try :))

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