the dawn of an epic sex advrenture

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it was later that day and the strawhats were nearing an island, which was rather lucky, since nearly everyone needed supplies. This including sanji. nami had decided it was best for everyone to split into groups of two, so some certain people wouldn't get lost. sanji hadn't really been listening, lost in the red haired woman's beauty, until he heard his name: "and sanji, you'll go with zolo. make sure not to lose him."

"huh- waid why do i hafta go with zolo?" the outraged bostonian asked as he gestured to the swordsman 

"because, you guys should try being nicer to each other!" nami directed, pushing sanji over to zolo. "now go get the cooking supplies! and dont get lost!"

and with that the swordsman and cook were sent off the boat.

"why do we even listen to her anymore" zolo shook his head as they walked down the path to get to the town

"why wouldnt we shes a wickad beudiful laydey! whats theah not to like!"

"course you'd say that. you girl crazy weirdo."

"wha- why yous better take that back or i'll haveta fillet you, you rotten piece of lettuce all yous do is sleep all day whenahya ghunna put youself to some use?"

"you take that back!" zolo called back and in the blink of an eye had sanji pinned to a tree

sanji just looked at the other man and calmly licked his lollipop, which happened to be blue raspberry today. he slowly brought his eyes to zoro's  staring into his brown sight-orbs. "make me, plant head."

zolo glared, staring the blond down. The cheeky bastard.

Sanji leaned close to zolos ear. "wuds the matter? you're awfully quiet, soadsman"

"get away you freak!" zolo yelled back, feeling blush creep up on his face. he reached for his (dull) sword, his fingers finding the wadoichimonji or whatever the fuck it's called. if Sanji was going to taunt him like that, he wasn't just going to sit there..

sanji raised a curled eyebrow. Or maybe he raised both, zolo couldn't tell. "a fight huh?" he took his lollypop out of his mouth and tossed it to the ground, stepping on it to put it out. zolo noticed that it had made his lips a sickly blue color that stood out against his pale skin. sanji had nice lips, although he was always saying mean things with them that hurt zolos feelings! Sanji should be a better friend :(

"yeah... got a problem?"

sanji opened his (nice, blue) mouth to say something but instead the two were interrupted

"zolooo sanjiiii stop messing around, we don't have all day!" nami. of course. that damn sea witch, interrupting his and sanjis moment

but zolo guessed she was right although he didn't want to admit it. They didn't have all day, did they? Zolo sighed. nami is such a cock block, he thought, then remembered that he couldn't think that since this was the 4kids adaptation.

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