I suddenly got tunnel vision and my ears started ringing impossibly loud. A tingly-static feeling cascaded through my body. I couldn't help but feel...I wasn't alone.

Regardless, I continued talking to him. "It's weird going on with life without you. Any plan I had in life involved you. Six months, a year, five years...it's going to be hard no matter how long it's been since you left. But I know you'll be there every step of the way, and that makes me feel a lot better."

I sat in silence for a few more minutes until the odd sensations faded away. Once it did, I said Harry's name, grabbing his attention. It was so quiet out except for some rustling of leaves, so I didn't have to say his name all that loud for him to hear.

He said nothing as he sat down beside me, his feet planted on the ground and arms rested atop his knees. His eyes tracked over Evan's headstone.

Evan Gates. 1990-2017. Forever in our hearts.

"Not exactly how I expected you guys to meet," I spoke out. "It's sort of weird and awkward, but—"

"It's not. He's here. With you."

I looked away from Evan over to Harry. There was no doubt in his eyes. He could feel Evan's presence just as I did.

"This is the guy you wouldn't shut up to me about when you came to visit. When you asked me where my 'boyband boyfriend' was, and I told you we broke up, you heckled me about him for days. I think that was your way of telling me I shouldn't have let him go, but either way, here we are."

The story was more for Harry's ear than to remind Evan, seeing as if he really was around here somewhere, he'd know exactly who Harry was.

"I wish you could have gotten to know him," I told Evan. Harry reached over and gripped my hand in his. "He's the single most fascinating person I've ever known. I find something new to love about him every day. But, unfortunately, he loves the Green Bay Packers."

He brought our joined hands up to kiss the back of mine. "Hey, what's wrong with Green Bay?"

"We're from Northern California. We're Raider fans."

"The Raiders?"

"What—is that a dealbreaker?"

"Well, I wish you would've told me that sooner before I fell ass over heels in love with you."

I tossed back my head and laughed hard. "Too bad, buddy. You've got a non-football-watching Raiders fan on your hands."

He sighed dramatically. "I guess that's fine. Better than a football-watching Raiders fan. I'll convince you to join the other side."

"I swear I've told you this before," I insisted.

"Hm, maybe I overlooked it."

"Good thing you did."

He released my hand to put an arm across my shoulders, tucking me close.

A few seconds passed before I started talking to Evan again. "Well, Harry and I should get going. I'll come visit again soon. I won't let so much time pass. I miss you, Ev. I love you." I managed to tell him this without getting choked up.

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