Chapter one

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Y/n = your name
(In this story cate lives in L.A)

I just wanted to say that I respect and absolutely adore Cate and her husband very much they are a dream together this is just a fanfiction🙂)

Y/n is a 28 year old woman who is trying to become an actress.All she does is going to castings after castings. Y/n is a hard worker when it comes to fur filling her dreams so she does everything to accomplish them. The biggest dream is to be an actress and maybe after that find the one..

7:30 Am
I wake up from the sound of my alarm and hit the snooze button. After 8 minutes i get out of bed and go into my bathroom from my mini apartment in L.A
I got ready and ate some cereal. I knew I had to hurry because I had another audition at 9 AM and this was an important one. I was lucky enough that my sister is my agent for everything and that she does is for free to help me.
She always helps me to get new auditions.
Of course I went to all of them but I never got one because I mean of course I don't have any experience or they won't take the new girl.
But today I had to give it all this is going to be a movie and the lead for the movie is Cate Blanchett and I would do anything to just stand next to her.
Before I started to go to castings all day long all I can remember is watching interviews from Cate and Sarah Paulson and Sandra Bullock I called them the holy trinity because they are absolutely amazing.

8:30 AM
Now I was in a taxi it took me about 20 minutes to get to it address where the casting would be.when I got there at gave the man $45 I made money by waitressing late in the evening at a club.

when I got there at gave the  man $45 I made money by waitressing late in the evening at a club

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I walked into the huge building.
I was the first one there because I was 10 minutes early.
But after some time more people arrived.
I sat their and nobody knew what the director was looking for.
And we didn't even know who the director was all we knew was that it's a drama/romance with Cate Blanchett.

After some time of waiting in a big building somebody opened a door to enter the hall we were sitting in.
„hello everyone and welcome to the casting to my new movie GAZE, my name is Todd Haynes some of you might know me because I directed a movie called Carol."
I sat there in shock I mean of course!! I watched Carol about 200 times i can speak along.
„So when you came in my receptionist gave you all a number when your number is being called please enter my room" he said with a smile on his face and pointed at the door he just walked out of.
My number was 37 and he started with number one so I thought that I maybe should go to the bathroom before going to auditions room.

I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and said to myself:„ it's okay y/n you've been working for this you will get this part and you will get to work with the iconic and beautiful cate Blanchett,my god I hope I won't faint if I see her" I said the last part a bit more quiet.
I wasn't really that good at a peptalk especially to myself because I wasn't the person who is very good at showing emotions or anything else that involved myself.
After my little bathroom break I sat down again.
„Number 37 please" a Voice screamed nicely.
As soon as I heard the number number I stood up.
„Hello it's nice to meet you" he said with a smile on his face and shaking my hand.
„oh the pleasure is all mine I'm a big fan of your work" I said smiling and shaking his hand.
„well that's nice thank you, let's go in shall we?"
„yes of course"
I walked into the room and it was very beautiful.
He took a seat and he sat in front of me and I stood in front of him.

He took a seat and he sat in front of me and I stood in front of him

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„so what's your name?" He asked kindly.
„my name is y/n y/l/n" I replied with a smile
„okay y/n I see that you never been in any movie before so why don't you tell me why I should give you this part" he said.
„I know that I haven't been in movies yet officially but acting has been a passion of mine truly.all I did when I was younger is trying to get better at acting in my biggest goal was always to be in a movie and my biggest inspirations helped me a lot and now here I am in a room for an audition I never thought I would get to go to an audition and here I am I made it so far and I won't stop now" I said smiling and confident.
„well y/n this sounds very good do you have a good attitude I like it." He said smiling.
I was a little bit relieved i have to say.
„so y/n what do you think this movie is about" he asked.
„ well I know that your last movie was about a relationship between Carol and Therese which was one of the best movies by the way and maybe this is similar to it" I said.
„y/n you are not wrong this movie is about two women the one woman is a young girl called Blossom who's trying to be a reporter but is currently just working as a waitress and the other women Élise will be a little bit older and a mum with her violent husband"
When I heard what he said there i a little bit excited because this was always the kind of movies I want to play in.
„so I want you to act this scene for me this is basically you having a conflict with Élise" he said handing me the paper.
I read the dialogue three times and then I started to act.

So dreams do come true ? (Cate Blanchett x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now