Double Identity Crisis

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Later that same day,

Emily, hesitated before knocking on the door adorned with a flawless Barbie head. She had spent the past few days researching eco-friendly alternatives for Barbieville, driven by a desire to create lasting change.

The door swung open, revealing Alexa, her arms crossed and a less-than-pleased expression on her face. Recognition flickered in her eyes as she processed Emily's appearance, but she swiftly masked her surprise. "Valentina, what brings you here?"

Emily swallowed hard, thrown off guard by Alexa's frosty reception. "I, uh, came to discuss some ideas I have for improving sustainability in Barbieville. I was told President Stacy would be available to meet with me."

Alexa leaned against the doorway, blocking Emily's entry. "I'm sorry, but Stacy is unavailable. Perhaps you could send your proposals via email or come back another time?"

Disappointment washed over Emily, but she refused to give up. "Please, I've traveled a long way to speak with her directly. I have innovative solutions that could significantly improve our community's impact on the environment."

Alexa's expression softened, but only slightly. "I understand your passion, but Stacy has a demanding schedule. I recommend scheduling a proper appointment if you'd like to ensure her attention."

Emily nodded, understanding the brush-off. "Alright, thank you for your time. I'll reach out andarrange a meeting."

As Emily turned to leave, she couldn't help but feel discouraged. She knew that changing the status quo in Barbieville would be challenging, particularly when faced with resistance from those in positions of power.

The next day,

"Look who I found," Ethan muttered incredulously, before turning to face Emily, who looked equally shocked.

"Wait, what? You're here too?" Emily asked, confused.

"Apparently so," Ethan replied, scratching his head. "I came here to work and, well, apparently so did you."

Emily looked embarrassed. "I wanted to try something new, and I heard about this program from Jennifer. I didn't realize you'd be here."

"Neither did I," Ethan admitted. "But I'm Ethan today, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Emily looked worried. "But what if someone finds out you're a guy? I heard they don't allow guys in the program unless they're working."

Ethan shrugged. "I'll deal with it if it comes to that. I can't keep pretending to be you forever, Emily. I need to be myself."

Emily nodded reluctantly. "I know, but please be careful. I don't want you to get kicked out or anything."

Ethan smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Besides, I have a secret weapon."

"What's that?" Emily asked, intrigued.

Ethan grinned mischievously. "I'm here to win Jessica's heart, and I have a pretty good idea of what she likes."

Emily raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell."

Ethan leaned in conspiratorially. "Well, she seems to like guys who are good with their hands, so I'm going to show off my mechanical skills and hopefully impress her."

Emily laughed. "Only you, Ethan. Only you would come up with a plan like that."

Ethan winked at her. "That's why I'm the best big brother in the world."

The two of them shared a laugh, before getting to work. As they hammered away at their respective projects, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. For the first time in weeks, he felt like himself again. And who knows, maybe he would even succeed in winning Jessica's heart. Stranger things had happened in Barbie World, after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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