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"Clay church" Jax nods his head as all the guys follow.
"Whats going on brother" Clay asks sitting down.
"They found Marcus. Taza called"
"And " Clay motions with his hands to continue.
"Galindo and the cartel picked him up. Wasn't happy about some drug shipment Esai was involved in." Jaxs states lighting a joint
"What's this mean" Tig asks.
"Someone down there ratted. Alvarez and ten of the members in the charter down there got picked up." Jax tells them what Taza had told them
"The day he called Roni last week is when the raid happened at the club house.  Taza will keep us in the loop when more comes. They want us to handle telling her what we feel she needs to know. He said she's more than welcome to come to there" Jax tells them looking around the table
"How do we tell a pregnant old lady her man is in jail in Mexico" Opie speaks up.
"Carefully." Clay speaks up. "Someone go get her. She was in the garage"
With that Chibs hops up and leaves.
"Everyone might want to put helmets on. She was pissed at a joke how do you think she is gonna be acting now." Tig jokes and Clay smacks him upside his head.
"Out Tig" Jax points to the door. "Actually maybe I should tell her alone" with that all the guys file out
"Hey Jax you wanted me." I ask coming into were they have church. Odd Chibs came to get me and wouldnt tell me much
"Have a seat darling" he says pointing to a chair next to him
"Have you heard something" I ask sitting down.
"Ya we have. What I tell you stays between us and Taza. The cartel picked up your old man. Esai fucked alot of shit up down there. The day he called you he just got back to the club house. He proved Esai is dead and they let him go." This time his hand finds my back and rubbing it as I'm leaning on the table. "Your phone call ended when his name popped up, because the club house was raided"
"Oh my fuck" I say as he pauses.
"Alvarez and ten of his guys got picked up"
"Mexican prison." I say as tears slip from my eyes.
"Taza says they have nothing on them same as here they don't find anything thirty days they are cut lose." He says still rubbing my back.
"Taza and Angel want to come talk to you in person. I have given them the okay. They will be here tomorrow."
"What do they need to talk about"
"He didn't say. But you want to be a presidents old lady its time to act like one baby girl." He says kissing my temple before standing up.
The fuck does that even mean.

Cherry stayed with me again that night. Her and Gemma has been taking turns. I have barely been left alone.
"Hey Roni. The boys are here" cherry says shaking me awake. I been sick almost all day every day the last few days and have been sleeping when I can.
"Tell them I'll be out in a few" I sit up and throw my hair up before finding flip flops to head that way.
"They are in church waiting for you." She says walking out.
I slowly make my way to the room.
"Hey" I say making my presence known. Taza, Coco, Angel, Jax, and Clay are all sitting around the table.
"Can I speak to her alone brothers" Taza speaks up
"Si he can" I say feeling I need to give Jax the ok that I will be fine.
Once they all leave I sit next to Taza.
"Jax says you have been filled in" he asks
"Si I have." I tell him curling up in my chair.
"He wants you to come home with us." He tells me
"How do you know" I ask hoping they have talked to him
"Laywer passed on a few things. I have a letter for you. He can't make to many calls. Luckily our lawyer is good." He says pulling a letter out of his kutte. "I will give you some privacy then we need to talk about a few things."

I'm so sorry mi amore. I planned on being home so much sooner. I know your expecting my bebe. Don't be mad mi reina (my queen) I pay my lawyer good for a reason. I know you have been staying where you was. I hope you go hogar (  home) with Taza. He has something for you to put towards my bebe. He has more information for you as to what I want. te amo veronic I miss mi la vieja (old lady)

I read that letter over and over till Taza came back in.
"What else does he want me to know." I ask as he sits back down.
"He wants you to continue what you talked about. If you still want to be his old lady that is"
"Of course I do" yep I may officially be crazy but I have been locked up before kinda hard to judge him when I have been out less than a year.
"We have been really short handed. I know you are making friends here. You are the Mayan Queen. My old lady is been keeping the place going and will help you but her Madre is sick. She could use you. Alvarez wants you to move in. Redecorate make a nursery what ever you want to do. It would mean alot for you to be there when we finally get him home" he says giving me alot to think on.
"When are you guys leaving"
"In the morning. Tonight we stay " he says standing up.
"We will talk in the morning. Si" I ask him standing up with him
"Si Reina" he laughs.
"Oh dont start mister." I kiss his cheek before walking out and finding Cherry.

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