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"You need to relax darling" Jax tells me as I'm pacing the bar.
"Its been a month Jax. A month he's been missing a month."  I yell pacing the bar.
Marcus went to Mexico two months ago. They was on their way home when they was ambushed. They held all the men at gun point and took Marcus. No one knows anything. No one knows who took him or why other than he is a president. There has been no contact nothing. Taza has took over finding him. As the v.p. he is in charge for now.

"Calm down your gonna stress the princess out" he tries to make me focus placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Don't you think I know this Jaxson. How the fuck do expect me to calm down. I can't smoke I can't drink and I finally get laid and boom thats gone" I place my hand on my barley noticeable baby bump. I found out after a blood test its a girl. I apparently had to have got knocked up around the  night I smashed hoe one and two's heads together. Protection was the last thing on my mind.   I'm currently nine weeks pregnant. Everyone knows due to a break down and me passing out when I heard they lost Marcus.  The one man they was suppost to protect. That night I passed out and hit my head so they called an ambulance. Shocker to come I was pregnant.
"What even caused this" Clay asked walking up.
"His phone number came up on my caller id. But no one was there when I answered" I cry
"Juice" Clay yelled.
"Already on it" Juice said running by.
"We will find him doll. Just calm down, if he isn't found I'll fill in as baby daddy" tig says walking up.
"Do you think this is funny Tig. Cause I'm sure as fuck not laughing. You may not like he got what you couldn't but I don't need a baby daddy fill in" I throw a beer bottle sitting on the bar at him and take off down to my dorm room.  Never in a million years was this what id expected when I found out I was moving here. I have a key to the house in Oakland but it feels weird being there with out him. Kip took me there after the missing news I took a few of his shirts and hoody so I had something.
"Church in thirty" Clay yells
"Chibs think you can patch me up. Girls got an arm" Tig asks as blood is running down his face. The beer bottle hit him just above his eye at his hairline. Thirty minutes later the guys are all sitting around the table.
"Can we stop pissing the woman off please" Clay speaks up.
"It was a joke" Tig says lighting a joint.
"Bro she's pregnant her old man went missing. This phone call didnt help. Plus now that we know she is first nines kid and not a neice we really need to watch out for her." Opie tells him
"We get anything on that" Jax asks Juice
"The call wasnt long enough to point out more than it did indeed come from Mexico. If it had been longer I might have been able to trace it into a so many mile radius." He tells them
"What does this mean with us and the Mayans. We was at peace with Alvarez but with Taza in command does anything change" Kip asks.
"As of now no. We are business as usual. Taza has the Mayan Charter down in Mexico looking for clues to what happen to Alvarez." Clay states.
They continue to pass out payments for the last shipment on guns as Bobby informs them he took dues out of their cuts already.
"If no one has anything else we are done" Clay states.
"We gonna ask her if she knows Otto is more than an uncle" Tig asks him
"As of now no she has enough on her plate" Clay bangs his gavel.

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