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Soon as the Mayans get here we have church.
"How did you not know your own kid was getting high. Dont you have a rule against strong stuff." Jaxs asks
"Si we do. Kids been going down south of the border alot to a charter down there." Alvarez states
"What do we know about the Niner and old lady." Clay ask smoking on his cigar.
"It was Leroys right hand man. Esai said he went to shoot him over bad deal. the dudes old lady came out of no where with a gun and he freaked out" Taza speaks
"Were is he now" Jaxs asks smoking a cigarette
"Safe" is all Alvarez replies.
"Ope go get her. Kicking and screaming if you have to" Clay ordered. Sure enough just a few minutes later you hear her bitching at Opie to put her down. He walks in with her thrown over his shoulder
"The fuck is this" she asks when she sees alvarez and the others
"We need to talk sit" Clay points to a newly empty chair.
"Cant be good heard that bullshit once this morning." She says avoiding looking at Alvarez
"Enough" Clay barks.
"We need to know everything about why you got picked up darling. Some shits happened and you may have the answers." Jax tells her
"I been locked up for five years and only out a few weeks. How would I know anything" I tell them looking at a few friendly faces and a few pissed off.
"Si princessa that is true. But we need help" Alvarez speaks up. "Please for me" he adds
"Ok but I wanna tell every thing then you talk I dont want interrupted."
She took a big breath lit a cigarette and started. "I had some problems before I graduated. Guys always teasing about I should have been Luannes kid. they sais I would not amount to lot and most would love to see me naked. This went on all senior year. I wanted to drop out but Luanne made me promise every time she got me out of juvi id finish high school. If I dropped out she would stop bailing me out. That probably was what I needed at the time stay in and clean up. Always high getting into fights. A few years after graduation I was running with some fucked up people. I went to a party with a few and  I met Esai and it was almost instant connection. We starting hanging out more and more. Id smoke weed pop some pills and drink. He would do stronger shit through. We was together for about a couple months before I got busted. I had no clue  Esai was related or even part of the Mayans. Hell I don't even think I knew his last name." Bout this time Tig wraps his arm around her for support. " what happen the day you got busted doll." Tig asks.
"That day I was strung out on pills. Esai called me up told me he needed picked up. I went to some apartments and got him. He came out with a backpack. I remember asking about it and he told me it wasnt my business. He needed a ride over to this guy's house. Sketchy ass neighborhood Pine Wood something. Luanne always told me to avoid there. He had me wait in the car and I lit a joint and waited. We hadn't been there long I know cause I didn't even get my joint finished when I was surrounded by cops. The bag I was told not to worry about it had a gun some coke and alot of cash. I tried to tell them it wasnt mine. They searched the house Esai went into cause I told them I was waiting on my boyfriend. They went in there wasn't a soul in the house.  I Never gave them a name so every thing in that bag was now mine. Due to me being in and out all the time I didnt get a first offence. Two days after I went in I got stabbed. A group of black girls came out of no where and gave me a message. But I had no clue what it ment so at first I thought it was nothing."
"Do you remember the message darling" Jax asks breaking my pause
"Ya Leroy was pissed I lost his money"
"Are you sure it was Leroy" Clay asks.
"Yes I remember that day and message everytime I shower and see the scars."
"Thanks go to your room please. Stay put" clay tells her.

"What now" Opie speaks up.
"I sit down with the Niners and give them Esai". Alvarez speaks up
"Man he's your kid" Jax tells him
"My kid who left a girl who may not be completely innocent take the fall for him. He also tried to shoot a man and killed his old lady. I want to protect mine. If I don't give up Esai Leroy will come after all Mayans and anyone close. the Mayans had nothing to do with this I cant ask my men to fight a battle they didn't create.
"If they lost that much cash why has Leroy still delt with him." Tig throws the questing out there.
"My son is a smooth talker. We have no clue his side of the story from that day."
"We will help you set up a meet brother. You are welcome to stay the night if need be. Dorms have been cleaned up."
"Gracias amigo we will take you up on that. Someone point me towards Roni's room so I can check on my ol lady" Alvarez asks standing up.
"Did he  call Roni his old lady" Tig questions after Alvarez heads out after Kip.
"Si he did" Angel laughs walking out.
"Well there goes the fucking neighborhood" Tig jokes.

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