Saving Y/n, part 2

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Steve's POV

We all take our places on the battlefront. We've teamed up in two's and Bucky & I are paired up together. "Just like old times?" Bucky says to me. Ever since we saved him we've spent a lot of time together and it's been great reconnecting with my oldest best friend.
"Just like old times" He's the only one who understands what Y/n is going through, to have someone control your mind and have no power to stop it

"He's coming" Nat says across comms. Everywhere becomes breezy, signalling Loki's ship is about to arrive. Three ships land a distant from us, opening to reveal Loki's army. So much for it just being Loki that was going to come. The doors fall down and his army of manipulated civilians stand in front of us. From where even I'm standing, I can see their eyes pleading for help... there's no sign of Loki or Y/n anywhere on the three of ships.

"What the heck is this?" Bucky questions looking at me. I let out a sigh and say "Loki always puts on a show, this is only the beginning" I hold my shield in place, ready to run into battle when another ship appears from the sky. "One heck of a show..." Bucky says loudly under his breath as he loads up his gun. "Avengers... assemble" Nat says across comms.

Then I see him. The door of the last ship opens and Loki is standing there. Hard to miss him with those stupid reindeer antlers he wears on his head.

A shadow appears from behind him. Y/n... I can barely make her out from where I am but I know it's her. No one has those kind of model legs that she has. Loki begins to walk off his ship and calls out to us, "Hello my dear Avengers, I brought a little friend of mine" he points at Y/n.

Y/n's pov

I feel an emotional pain in my heart when I see him. Steve... He looks broken, as if he hasn't slept in weeks. He has dark circles under his eyes and we lock eyes. "I love you Y/n" a memory of him says in my brain. The day at the hospital, our first kiss...

"Y/n?" Loki demands at me. No more feelings, shut it off. I nod my head at Loki, and forget about Steve. He's my past, not my future. "Come on, let's finish this" I say to Loki, leading the way off the ship. I give the signal for his army to advance towards the Avengers. Loki walks down behind me, "Let's go darling" and places his hand on my shoulder. I shrug him off, no more feelings includes no flirty behavior with Loki.

All of a sudden Tony lands in front of us in his Iron Man suit. "Loki, just give Y/n back to us, we don't want to fight you" Tony pleads to Loki. Loki looks at Tony then at me and laughs. "No" is all he replies with. Thor appears beside Tony. "Brother do the right thing for once, how selfish can you be manipulating a girl like Y/n, she doesn't deserve this"

I step forward and stand in front of Tony and Thor and smile. "I never asked to be part of your little Avengers group, why would I want to go back? Loki didn't manipulate me, he just made me realize what I truly wanted" and with a snap of my fingers, I put the two of them into a trance. I clasp my hands together and shout out to the rest of the Avengers, "WHO'S NEXT?"

The Avengers start to run towards us, fighting their way through our army. Steve is heading in my direction. Stupid boy. "He's all yours" Loki shouts from behind me. I start to run towards Steve, directing my powers at him. He dodges them and stays running towards me. I hit him with a shot of my powers, and he falls back. I run towards him and he weakly stands up to me. "Y/n stop! I don't want to hurt you!" He pleads, holding his side in pain.

I turn my head at him and study where my powers hit him. He's bleeding bad, oh well. "Does it look like I honestly care?" I ask him. A sad expression comes across his face. "Y/n please this isn't you, fight whatever spell Loki used on you, you're stronger than this" I let out a laugh at this. "Oh Steve this is all me, you just don't want to admit to yourself that you have lost me"

Steve steps towards me. "Y/n please... I love you" He painfully says to me. Loki comes up beside me. I look from Steve to him. Steve needs to let me go... I need to make him feel real pain. "You love me? Well not after this" I say. I turn my back to Steve and face Loki. I step forward and grab his face, puling him in to kiss me. I passionately kiss him, trying to convince myself this is the right thing to do, but my heart still aches at the fact Steve has to watch me do this...


Author's note: Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in uploading this chapter. Let me know how we're feeling after kissing Loki in front of the one person who loves us :(( Love R xoxo

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