It's your destiny

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Y/n's pov:

This can't be real. Loki is supposed to be dead! But he's here standing in front of me, alive. Well at least I think he's alive. He's more attractive in person; his black hair slicked back, his clothes tight in all the right places, his jawline as sharp as a knife and his eyes.... oh his eyes. His blue eyes are so blue, even though I'm standing some feet back from him I can still see how piercing blue they are. Suddenly I come out of my thoughts and bring myself back to reality.

"Loki? H-how is this possible?" is all I manage to get out. Loki steps closer to me and I give Dr Strange a look that asks him to help me. He looks away from me, unable to hold my stare. I look back at Loki who is now an arm length away. "How are you here Loki? Everyone said you were dead!"

Loki is standing inches away from me. I breathe in his scent; a weird mixture of sweet oranges and fresh rain. He runs the back of his hand along the side of my face which causes the hair on my arms to stand up. "You are more gorgeous in person darling" He brushes the hair away that hangs over my ear. He leans in towards my ear. "We have a lot to talk about Ms Maximoff" He whispers into my ear.

I turn my face away which causes Loki to move away, unimpressed with the reaction I gave him. I turn my face back to Dr Strange. "Excuse me? What is going on and why are you helping", I give Loki a dirty look, "him?" Loki's smile turns into a scowl, annoyed with how I'm acting. Dr Strange turns back to me.

"Y/n there's a lot going on here that you don't understand. You are just the stepping stone to getting back at the Avengers" He sadly says to me. The Avengers? Oh no what have I gotten myself into. "Tony Stark took advantage of my magic, he betrayed me. They also killed Loki" He continues. Wait what? The Avengers, Thor killed his own brother?! "Y/n we need your help to restore balance in the world, by killing the Avengers"

"Kill the Avengers?" I laugh at this. "Are you serious? All this talk about balance, what do you mean?" I ask the two of them. Loki comes back up to my face. "Yes Y/n balance. Only you can help us" I laugh again at this. Loki and Dr Strange share a look of disapproval. "I'm not going to help you sorry" I go to move my feet but I'm still stuck in the same position. Great...

"Y/n it's your destiny" Dr Strange begins as he walks toward me. "It's written in the scriptures" The what now? My face obviously shows what I'm thinking because Dr Strange continues. He walks over towards a case of books, and pulls out one large red one. I tilt my head to see what it is when I see 'Sokovia' written on the side of it. Sokovia? My home....

"What is that?" I ask Dr Strange as he begins reading through the book. He ignores me, too busy trying to find whatever it is he's looking for. Eventually he stopped at a page and walked back over to me.

The Sokovian Remembers-
As a thank you to the Wise one and her colleagues in the 5th century, Sokovia sacrifices the family of the Maximoffs. If harm may ever come to Sokovia or the world, the youngest of the third generation of Maximoff triplets, given their magic can protect them, must ensure balance in the world, no matter what the consequences.
Written by Andrius Maximoff, 598 AD

No way, this can't be real. It has to be something that Loki & Dr Strange made up. Before I get to even challenge this stupid prophecy, Loki begins to speak.

"See Y/n? I don't want to cause harm to you. When you were in Hydra, I had taken it over the year before. I had heard great things about you from Shield. But then I got into some trouble at home with Thor and well it didn't end very well for me. But I had made plans for you in Hydra so even when I died I'd be able to contact you, to help you see what needs to be done" I couldn't believe a word he was saying. I can't believe this is happening.

"I mean you didn't have to kidnap me! You could have contacted me some other way" I began, getting slightly annoyed at the pain Loki had put me through.

Loki's kind face quickly disappears, again, as he walks over to the wall and grabs some sort of long sword with a glass ball at the top. He storms back over to me and grabs my arm. "I don't have the time for this"

Before I can even question what he means, he holds the tip of this sword like object against my heart. I can feel the power radiating off it, it sends pain through my bones. My magic tries to fit it but all I feel is pain then -

Loki's POV

Y/n collapses onto the ground after I use the sceptor on her. I bend down to her. "I'm sorry darling but you will thank me for this" I tell her as I twirl a piece of her hair in my fingers.

"Did you really have to do that?" Steven asks me, disapproval in his tone. I cannot do anything without being judged.

"I mean, no. But she was annoying me. I couldn't help it" I begin. I look back down at her peacefully sleeping. "She'll thank me for this"

Back at the Avengers Base

Steve's POV

My head is pounding. I slowly open my eyes to find myself lying on the kitchen floor. How did I get down here? Oh no, Y/n! I get up on my feet and see Thor sitting hunched over on a stool beside the kitchen island. "WHERE IS
Y/N?!" I grab Thor's shoulders and shout.

Thor pushes me off him, and I swear I saw tears in his eyes. "She's gone Steve. Y/n left" He sadly says. What? Where could she be gone?

"Gone? What do you mean she left?" I ask him.
"She had a breakdown. She kept saying she had to leave. Before I could help her, she knocked me out with her powers. I couldn't do anything" Thor puts his face in his hands.

"This is all my fault" I say. "She left because of me... we need to find her before anything happens to her"


So this is the longest chapter I've done so far and I'm going to try do them this long from now on. Please like, share this story and follow me if you're not already. Thanks guys love ye 3000 xx

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