Saving Y/n, part 1

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Back at Loki's compound, Y/n is having breakfast when Loki comes rushing into the room

Y/n's POV

I stare down at the plain bowl of cornflakes. I hate cornflakes, too bland. I click my fingers and a plate of waffles replaces the cereal bowl. Much better

All of a sudden I hear Loki stomping down the hallway heading towards the kitchen. Great what's wrong with him now.

"You're like a fat elephant with the amount of noise you make" I call out to him when I hear him entering the kitchen. He ignores me and walks to the other side of the table and starts pacing up and down the kitchen.

"Geez if you have something to say just talk" I say, beginning to eat my waffles. He stops walking and looks at me as if he hasn't known I've been there the whole time. Loki turns to walk back out the door he just came in.

"I need to go- the 'Avengers' want to talk to me" He says as he heads for the door. Wait what did he just say? I look down at my plate of waffles. "Sorry baby's, mommy will be back later" I say to my plate of waffles and take one last bite.

I grab my leather jacket hanging on the door and run to catch up to Loki. "What do you mean they want to 'talk' to you?" Loki marches on so I quickly match his pace. "I don't know Y/n god"

He is so dramatic *rolling my eyes* "Well I'm obviously coming with you" I say which causes Loki to stop and grab my arm. "Oh no you're not, you are going to stay here so I can keep you safe"

I look down at his hand on my arm. This man just knows how to drive me insane doesn't he. "1. I suggest you remove your hand from my arm before I break it off and 2. You need my help"

Loki smiles at me, not believing I would actually hurt him. He grips my arm tighter. "Darling you are staying here, I don't care what you say" Darling? Ew get sick.

I slap his hand off my arm which cases him to grab my other arm which I slap off, again. I grab both his wrists and hold them up. "Don't be stupid Loki, they will capture you if you go on your own!"

I let go of his wrist in a quick movement that causes him to stumble backwards. "See? You're sloppy you need me"

Loki moved back forward, holding out a knife so I don't try anything on him. "Fine! But you stay by my side only, no funny business"

I grab a knife from my belt and hold it out towards him. "And I'm telling you that I'm not your property, you don't own me Loki Laufeyson"

Loki looks at me with annoyance and lunges forward at me and I quickly step away so he falls into the wall. So stupid. He lunges forward at me again and I grab his arm and pin it behind his back and throw him into the wall. He slides down and I pull my knife out to his neck.

"ALRIGHT STOP IT Y/N! You can come and fight with me okay! No rules" Loki says, defeated. I finally smile. "Why thank you, and you really do need me. You are so sloppy" I say, lowering my knife and turning to walk away. Loki grabs my ankle which causes me to fall forward onto his chest.

Loki looks up at me as I try to pull myself up. "Yes Y/n I need you okay?" He seductively says, staring into my eyes. He pushes himself up closer to me, "And I want you, so badly"

I gather the strength and push myself up off his chest. "Go to hell Loki" I say walking away with my middle finger facing him and I feel him smiling watching me go.


The Avengers have just left to go meet Loki in a remote location. They are all on the Quinnjet.

Steve's POV

I look out the window, staring down at the land beneath us and all I can think about is her, where she is and how much I love her. I need to get her back I can't imagine my life without her. I'm so lost in my own thoughts I don't even hear Nat come up beside me.

"She'll remember you Steve don't worry, she loves you" Nat says, trying to comfort me. I shrug my shoulders and say "Let's hope so" I turn around to face the others and Nat takes her place back in the pilot chair.

"Everyone ready?" I ask as I walk to the back of the Jet, to check all the weapons. "Let's go get Y/n" I hear Nat say.

"And watch your backs" Tony adds in. I look back at him. "Y/n could try hurt any of us, even you Steve"

"No one hurts Y/n understood? We don't know what Loki has done to her" Suddenly the Jet lands with a thud and the door opens at the back of the Jet. Nat gets up and grabs her jacket. "We're here, let's go save Y/n"


Hi guys so I think I'll be posting every second day on Wattpad to get the story finished, so please vote and comment on the story and let me know what ye think xx

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