Peeta chose that exact moment to join them. He nodded at Haymitch and kissed Katniss' forehead before sitting next to her so naturally in love. If it wasn't for the fact that they're killers I would've cringed. Peeta's blue eyes swept over me in well, I don't know...concerned admiration I guess. "Hello there, Victoria".

Fuck. "Hi. Peeta."

God, way to be awkward. Haymitch gave me a look as if to say 'nailed it' while Katniss didn't really give away anything. Maybe Poppy told her I didn't eat lunch with her. Or worse yet, she probably watched me snub her daughter through the two way mirror. 

If Peeta was aware of my obvious discomfort he didn't let on. "So Victoria, can I call you Vic?".

I frowned. "No".

I didn't mean for it to come out so blunt. Haymitch instantly chuckled. "She's Johanna's kid alright. Speaking of Johanna, where is your mother?".

I shrugged. "Not sure".

Katniss nodded at me. "Well, you should stay here with us unti-"


I felt myself rolling my eyes, here we go.

I saw Peeta jump in surprise while Katniss smiled in amusement. I sighed and turned around to find an angry Johanna Mason marching up to me. She wore a tight light brown wrap dress with huge fake eyelashes. I frowned at her as she joined us. "You look like a tree".

She clicked her tongue at me and muttered. "Well, look who's talking".

Katniss nodded at her. "Johanna. Everything okay?".

My mother blanched. "Okay?!?. I'm a tree! My stylist is such an idiot. I'd love to just stick my axe in her face".

Great. I chose that moment to sneak away from the group. I went unnoticed by everyone but Haymitch. He shot me a wink over his glass of whisky and even joined the conversation to bring the attention to him. By doing so I've decided that Haymitch is now my favourite Victor. 

In my search for Clement I paused and decided to tune into the interviews. District three had just wrapped up. Caesar wasted no time introducing the girl tribute of District Four. I frowned as she walked on alone. She didn't look like a threat and her score was what? A five?...still, she looked somewhat confident. Caesar talked about her being a descendant of the name Mags Flanagan. A Victor I'd never even heard of before. What hit home the most was that she didn't even know her great grandmother. She'd died from a stroke years before she was even born. It was just the luck of the draw. At least I could blame and glare at Johanna everyday for getting me into this mess. But this girl?, I pitied her. 

I forced myself to turn away from the screen but paused in doing so. It was like someone had flipped a switch because the once content crowd was screaming their lungs out. I cringed at the sound, even tempted to cover my ears like a small child. Only I didn't, because these guys are my competitors and my mother wouldn't let me live it down.

Three people walked onto to the stage and I rolled my eyes. Figures. It's the Odairs. Id never been the girl to obsess over a boy or a famous boy at that. But there was something about Liam Odair that I just couldn't shake. I didn't know if it was attraction or fear. It has to be fear...

Caesar seemed to be fangirling over the family. Annie Odair, who I'm surprised is actually here seemed to be in her own little world. Only coached out of it here and there by Finnick when she was asked a direct question. Their angle unlike District One, seemed to be redraw the Quell. Everyone was rebelling in these interviews. It's the defining feature, Parents outing the games and children hastily praising the Capitol and the livelihoods they've lived after their parents leave. Afterall, it's fine for the Victors to call out the Capitol but we're the ones who have to face the game makers tomorrow. 

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