9 Things to do When Bored

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Okay, I get bored alot. Here's sometimes what I do:

1. Read a book.
2. Write a story, or continue writing a story if you've already written one.
3. If you can, text your friend! See if they're around. Maybe if they can come over.
4. Make up or listen to a song/songs.
5. Draw! I like to just look up random animals(ex: monkey) and then draw them. They turn out pretty bad, but it's really time consuming :P
6. Play with toys or your pets. I have a younger sister, so we still have toys around the house. Also, I own some Harry Potter lego sets. And I have two dogs! :3
7. Go outside, if it's nice. Go for a bike ride or a walk. Maybe take your scooter out in your driveway.
8. Organize or clean something. 
9. Make an OC! If your a warrior cats fan, make up some clans.

Hope this helps sum people :D

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