A Solitary Epilogue

Start from the beginning

My heart stuttered when a small breathtaking smile blooms on his face. His beauty still surprises me; from his beautiful cocoa skin to his staggering height to his beautiful and relaxing tiger eyes. Everything about him was gorgeous and I still found it hard to believe that he loved me. Me!

"Bab- Oak can I talk to you for a second?" He breathes out.

I eye him for a brief moment, studying him as his eyes flitter from me to his sister and back again, his fingers writhing and entwining. I nod, standing up from my seat on the floor beside Loki who lifts his head at my movement.

Smiling down at him, I scratch his head before following Alex out the door. My eyebrows furrow as I follow him, my mind swirling with confusion as to what he wants.

Silently, he grabs my coat and helps me in to it before shoving his arms in to his trench coat, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the back door.

His backgarden was more like multiple football pitches stuck together. He had an outdoor seating area, a firepit, a woodland, a flower garden that in the summer gleamed and shone with so much colour that it was blinding. In December, it was all brown and green, hiding all the colour with its coldness.

He tugged me in to the woodland area, skeletal trees waving at us as the light arctic wind blew around us, the bitterness nipped. Shivering, I used my freehand to pull my coat closer to me, hoping that the action would warm me up. It didn't.

"What's going on?" My eyes widen on their own accord at the sight of a white stone gazebo in a clearing in the trees, pillars running in to the ground and the white geometric ceiling arching over. It was grand and magnificent but it looked so out of place as vines and branches wrapped around the pillars, hugging them and racing to reach the top.

He stayed silent as he quickened his pace in to the gazebo, my little legs finally having a break from practically running to try and keep up with his long strides.

"Oak... baby..." My breath hitches as he cups my face between his hands, his skin sending warmth through me and instantly warming me up from the bitter wind. "I love you so much and it kills me to remember what I did to yo-"

"I already told you that I've moved on-"

His lips twitch upwards, his soft eyes staring in to mine and taking my breath away once again. "I know baby and I'm trying to too. I just feel an immense guilt but having you in my arms, having my Oaklee look at me again makes it all better. It hurt so much, the pain I felt for ten months was unbearable, nothing compared to what you felt but it still hurt. I cried so much over the thought of losing you. I can't ever lose you again."

I try to keep the tears at bay and I try to stop my pounding and thumping heart as it explodes in my chest. His words... they were so special, so heartbreaking but they meant so much.

"I spoke to my friend a few days ago... I haven't talked to any of them in months because... well because I couldn't. Because I was so concerned about you and so ashamed and upset and angry with myself that I couldn't possibly talk to anyone." He breathed out as he disclosed this information to me. "I talked to Will -my friend- and we reconciled. He asked if you were the reason why I didn't speak to him for ten months... if I was so not like myself because you effected me so much and of course the answer is yes. Everything you do, say and feel effects me because all I want is for you to be happy and I won't ever be happy if you're not. He then asked me a very important question."

I swallowed at the intense emotion building up in his dark eyes. "What was the question?"

"Would I be able to handle losing you for good?" His eyes never strayed from mine as he tucked a piece of brown hair behind my ear. "Of course the answer to that is: I'm never going to lose you again, Oak. That's a promise." He whispered, kissing my forehead. My eyes close involuntarily at the feeling of his soft lips on my skin, tingles erupting like I had just had an electric shock. Coldness envelops me once again, my lips downturning at the feeling and I open my eyes to question him. A gasp escapes me lips at the sight in front of me. There he is... my Alex, on his knee holding a little black box.

It's too late. My heart's exploded. I'm dead. My stomach churns, my eyes water and I forget how to breathe.

"Oaklee... you have turned my whole world upside down. I used to hate everybody but then your annoying self stumbled in to my life and yes I still hate everybody but I can't ever hate you. You are, without a doubt, the love of my life. I used to think I would be alone forever but then I met you. All those years of being alone... I was waiting for you because you are it for me. There will never be anybody else. I promise I will never hurt you like that again and I promise to never answer my work phone in front of you. I will love you for the rest of my life and I will regret what I did for the rest of my life but I might be able to live with myself if you are right there next to me as we grow old together... Will you do me the absolute honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

My mouth opens then closes, then opens.... then closes.


I manage to mutter out that single word before falling in to a state of sobs, tears and happiness. I'm a blubbering mess as I watch him open the small box, sliding the plain silver band with a small square diamond in the center of it on to my finger.

That ring meant so much more, it made this moment even more special. I would have been happy without a ring because honestly, hearing him say that and knowing in my mind and heart that I was going to get married to the love of my life... that was enough for me. But to know that he could have gotten a ring that was flashy and huge but he knew I would much prefer something simple and small. He's caring and thoughtful. He's my fiancé.

"I love you so much." He whispers, a single tear sliding down his cheek. His arms pull me to him, wrapping me up in his hold and warmth. I sink in to him, crying in to his chest while the warmth returns to me.

"I love you." I smile up at him shakily, tears running down both our cheeks.

A tiny movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention, a single white speck floating and falling to the ground beautifully.

A snowflake.

In that moment, as the heavens open up and send beautiful and unique snowflakes down on us, covering our private bubble in white, prestige snow, I knew we were made for each other.

Our love was beautiful and unique, just like a snowflake. This was natures way of telling us that, this was the universe's sign that we were soulmates.

Our lips meet, fireworks exploding, warmth spreading and tingles running down our bodies as we shiver from the heavy flakes landing on us. It was one of the best kisses we've ever shared.

"Us forever Oak." He mumbles, the love swirling in his eyes making my knees weak.

Life was perfect. This man in front of me might not have been perfect, he might have had flaws and done a lot of incredulous things but to me he was perfect. He was, as he said, the love of my life. The only man I would ever love in that sense.

"Till death do us part."

"Death won't even be able to separate us."

And with that, we began our life together.

The End.
Thanks for reading xx

Read the four bonus chapters to see an insight in Oaklee's and Alex's married life ❤

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