She sighed and rolled her eyes. Her annoyance lifted, however, when she caught sight of blue hair and skin from the top. "Kurt!" Everyone's heads snapped to the blue boy, who looked glad to see them.

He began to speak, not realizing they couldn't hear him without the intercom. "What?" They all shook their heads. Raven pointed to her ear, hoping to get the message across.

Kurt looked down and the intercom scratchily turned on. "Stay...away...from the-" His voice was distorted and being cut off.

"The what?" Hank pressed.

Kurt tried again. "The do-" He motioned with his hands. "Stay...a-way from the door-"

Olivia's eyes widened. "The door! Get away from the door!"

The others gasped and they all ran to the side of the room. "On three!" Kurt announced. "One...two..." On what was supposed to be three, the door to the cell was blown open. Hank moved to cover Olivia from flying debris.

Raven ran out first, followed by the others. Olivia felt like cheering at the sight of Jean and Scott standing there. "We know where the professor is," Jean announced.

"I think we might have a way out of here," Scott added.

Jean's eyes met Olivia's and they smiled at each other. The girls reached for a quick hug. "Well, you've been busy," Raven gasped.

Scott shrugged. "We had a little help," Peter, Hank and Moira stepped out and Scott motioned for them all to follow. "Let's go," He ushered.

As they began running, Kurt poofed in just in front of Peter. "Ah! Jesus!" He jumped back.

"Oh, sorry!" The German mutant apologized and joined in their running.

"This way!" Scott led them down short hallways, turning left and right until they made it to a plane hanger. A massive jet, almost like the one Hank was building, waited for them.

"Nice," Hank whispered in amazement.

"Hey, Hank!" Raven called. "Do you think you can fly this thing?"

Hank shrugged. "Yeah, I can figure it out."

"Hey, guys," Scott grabbed their attention. Next to him were display-holders full of black suits. "Flight suits."

Hank smiled. "Let's get to work," He clapped his hands. Everyone made a move for the suits. Olivia made sure everyone had the right sizes. "Thanks, Liv," Beast nodded.

Olivia smiled back. She turned back to grab another suit as Peter approached. "Shouldn't you be grabbing one for yourself, too?" He cocked his head as she handed him the black flight suit.

"I am now," She pulled the final one from its case and smirked.

Take-off was bumpy. Hank apologized multiple times, blaming it on the unfamiliar controls. Olivia chuckled, but as they fly higher into the sky, she couldn't help the nervous pit that formed in her stomach. She couldn't control her powers well — what if she hurt somebody? "You'll be amazing." Jean's voice inside her head made her jump.

Peter looked at her quizzically. "You okay?"

Olivia glared quickly at Jean and nodded. She looked up at Peter, smiling softly. His stomach did excited summersaults. "Yeah, I'm okay." She turned back to Jean and frowned. "Don't do that." She scolded inwardly.

Jean shook her head softly and only smiled in response. "You like him," She laughed. Olivia nearly choked on her saliva. "Oh, you REALLY like him!"

ignite, peter maximoff (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now