SPN Convention 1

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this is my own idea based on when Jensen was sick during a convention but with my own spin on the plot

Characters: Jensen A, Jared P, Misha C, Myself, Alex C, Matt C, Richard S, Rob B

It was my first supernatural convention with my brother Jensen. I play Katie, the secret sister of Sam and Dean, I've been on the show since Jim Beaver. I'm seventeen now and we had just started season thirteen. But to be honest I'm very nervous to go on stage, even though Jensen and the others were going to be with me I am still nervous, not to mention I lost my voice the day before and felt horrible. I should be at home resting but I couldn't let the fans down. If Misha could power through filming while sick, I could push through a panel at a convention. I sat in the green room with my head in my hand rubbing my temples trying to ease the pain that had been forming since the night before at the hotel "you ok kenzie?" a familiar voice asked, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my daze. I looked up to see Alex staring at me with his ice blue eyes.

I nodded softly and slowly got up swaying back and forth falling towards him. "You don't have to do this, you know you can do it another time right" he stated, steadying me back to my feet. "If I can get through a long film day and not collapse from exhaustion I can do a panel I'm fine" I said in a very hoarse voice "are you sure?, you look pale and sound terrible" Matt Cohen asked a little concerned walking around me into the green room from his panel that just ended. I looked at him and nodded my head before walking out to the backstage hearing the sound of the fans cheering and Rob singing one of his new songs and Rich introducing me to the stage to start my panel "now introducing somebody you may know as Jensen's little sister, she plays Katie the sister of the Winchester brothers, the beautiful one and only kenzie Ackles!" he yelled, causing my ears to ring but I pushed back the pain and rushed on to the stage smiling and waving to the crowd as they yelled and cheered. I started coughing and fell into a chair to steady myself "you ok?" Rob asked concerned as I coughed then looked at him as seriously as I could manage "yeah I'm good just lost my voice that's all" I explained before Rich came over and hugged me tight then walked off the stage as Rob hugged me and left.

"Hi everyone," I said in a raspy voice and a massive cheer erupted. I smiled at them as my heart melted "I just wanted to apologize in advance for my voice, I recently lost it and I know you're probably gonna say that I should be home. But I couldn't let you amazing people down so if I seem off or swaying just know that I am ok" I explained then looked out to the crowd and laughed "so now that we got that out of the way, who is ready for season 13 of supernatural?" I asked in a questioning tone smiling as the fan cheered and smiled "I see so many amazing people in cosplay" I pointed to the front row and smiled "your Katie cosplay is on point I love it" I complement as she blushed and thanked me sinking into her chair "I almost forgot I have a surprise for you all" and the crowd went wild I smiled big and laughed a little then went into a small coughing fit and settled down then spoke again "so I've had these 4 men following me around like little puppies 1 being worse than the other 3 and I thought why not bring them on stage with me, come on out guys" I shouted. As if the room couldn't get any louder Jared, Jensen, Misha and Alex jumped to the stage and the crowd cheered and screamed.

"introducing my brother Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins and Alex Calvert" I shouted straining my voice even more sending me into a coughing fit, stumbling into Jensen "are you sure you're ok sis?" he asked, holding me still "yeah just a little dizzy" I explained as my voice sounded even worse. "Let's get to the questions," I said, taking a seat. laughing, telling stories and answering questions. I look over to my right and see a little boy maybe six or seven "hi what's your name?" I asked sweetly "my name is Zach"

"That's an awesome name, little dude. Is this your first time here?" I asked "yeah it is and you are very pretty in person" he complimented and my heart melted. I put my hand over my chest and smiled big as the others looked over playfully annoyed "thank you so much Zach that is so sweet" I managed through a dried voice "so what's your question Zach?".

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