Chapter 3

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"This isn't going to be good" I said in everyone's head. "No it isn't" I heard Danny say. This is not going to be good at all going to the ghost zone how are me and Danny supposed to keep our secret while protecting the class from ghost. I'm freaking out I think I'm gonna have a panic attack "y/n calm down we'll be fine" I heard Danny say. I took a few deep breath's then said, "How are we supposed to keep our secret if we're going to the ghost zone" I asked. "I don't know let's meet up at my house after school, we'll talk more at lunch" Danny said. "Ok" I said. "With that being said we will be having some special guest today" Lancer said. Please don't let it be who I think it is I thought to myself. "The Fenton's and l/n's". "Oh great" we all said telepathically. Me and Danny's "parents" walked in with ghost weapons. "Hello kids are you ready to visit the ghost zone" Jack and Maddie says "yea" everyone said excited. "Before we go we're gonna show you kids what weapons we'll be bringing on trip and show you how they work" M/N and D/N (quick A/N Mom and Dad's name) says. I just roll my eyes and look back at what I was drawing until Maddie and D/N's sees me and Danny in the back of the class and embarrass us "Hi sweetie" Maddie says to Danny, he just slumps down in his seat "hey pumpkin" d/n's says to me I just roll my eyes and ignore him. "So any questions kids" m/n asked. Paulina raised her hand "yes", "are we gonna see the cute ghost boy there" I almost snapped my pencil. Why she always so obsessed with MY MAN he don't want her (anymore) "Calm down babe we all feel the jealousy radiating off of you" "shut up Danny", we all started chuckling until dash said "yea are gonna we gonna see the hot ghost girl to" now it was Danny's turn to get jealous "calm down babe" I laughed. He just growled an animal like at me I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on, I shifted in my seat and started paying attention to our "parents" again, he just smirked at me. "I sure hope we don't see those two" Maddie and m/n said. "Yea if we do well capture them and rip them apart molecule by molecule" jack and d/n said.

Time skip to lunch

"What are we going to do how are you guys going to keep your secret" Tucker asked. "We don't know man" Danny said, "we're just gonna have to try our best to keep it under wraps" I said. "Ugh this is gonna be stressful" Sam said.

Another time skip to Danny's house

Danny's POV

After I filled Jazz in on everything and her saying she was going as well me and tucker went to my room to pack and make sure we had everything we needed.
"Fenton phones"
"Ok let's go through the list one more time" I said "Danny we've gone through this list over a hundred times we'll be fine trust me besides we're not leaving until the middle of may closer to the end of the year" Tucker said, "ok ok we'll be fine" I took a deep breath "thanks man". " no problem". My phone went off it was y/n texting me saying her and the girls are here, "who is it" tucker asked "y/n she said her and the girls are here" "oh ok". Me and tucker went downstairs and got the door "hey" y/n said "hey. We went up to my room and talked and made a plan. "Ok so Sam you have the map" I asked. "Yep" she said "ok great I think that's it". "Alright let's turn in I'm tired" y/n yawned "k goodnight everyone" "night"

Time skip middle of April
So it's the middle of April only a few more weeks until the trip to the ghost zone and to tell you I'm a nervous wreck would be a understatement because I am freaking the literal fuck out because I have to protect my idiotic class from ghost and ghost from me and Danny's 'parents' meaning I also have to protect my kids oh man my little D.J he's only six months (She did not give birth just like Dani, D.J was cloned by Vlad before you and Danny finally knocked some sense into him) and my Dani oh my god I'm freaking out. "Babe calm down everyone and the kids will be alright your worrying over nothing" Danny said. "I hope your right about this Danny" I said.

Danny and y/n can hear each other's thoughts when they want to

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