Chapter 21 : Departure to the offensive

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- Yes, I do. I actually do. You got to stay here, and you got to take care of Matt and our baby. And I got to do this. For my mom, for Ben and for Karen. 

- You got to be a father. Did you think about it, that you could never come back. Besides, they'll be other battles.

- Of course I thought about it, and what an example I will set to our child if I wouldn't do my possible to show to the aliens that we're not backing down and that we not got to hit them with everything we got. We got to make them rethink this war. Weaver can get us to Boston. And once we get there, we're gonna blow that structure straight to hell. 

- Straight to hell ?! Well, listen, I don't want to loose you, I said while sobbing. Since always, I'm scared to fall in love with a soldier or a military. Because I'd never know when he'll come back, and with the invasion I've said to myself that I would never fall in love, then history's set. And then, you came into my life and I started again to freak it out.

- It won't happen.

- What do you know ? Hal, you're a soldier and you can die at any time. Promise me to be careful. To be careful more than usually.

- I promise you. We're assigned in duo to the offensive and Weaver put me with Anthony, and you know him. He's a great soldier.

Talking about him, Anthony arrived to tell to Hal that they had to go.

- I'm coming, said Hal before kissing me.

- Anthony !

- Yeah, what's up ?

- Could you be careful to Hal ?

- Don't worry about him, he'll be okay.

I look at him with a threatening look.

- Anthony ! I warn you, that if Hal comes back seriously injured or dead. I'll cut them off .... by blowtorch.

- Hum ... Panicked Anthony.

- Get it ?

- Yeah, nothing will to happen to him.

- It would be better for you. There's no way that my baby loose his father before being born or that I give birth alone. Get it ? Otherwise, I will not only cut this off.

Anthony and Hal both left to get started.

- Are you okay, Anthony ?

- No, Elisa. I'm not okay at all.

- What ?

- Your friend is freaking me out.

- Eléa ?!

- Yeah, she said that if Hal didn't come back alive, she was going to cut them off.

- Cut them off ? Repeat Daï.

- Yeah, with a blowtorch.

- A blowtorch ? Repeat Elisa.

- Yeah !!! Cut them off with a blowtorch !!!

- You know, Anthony, it was probably because of the hormones.

- Oh no, Hal. It wasn't because of the hormones, I saw it in her look. Even if she wasn't pregnant,  she would have told me all of it. Yes, with a bit less violence, but she would have told it.

Then, Tom came to see me because I was with Matt, they're too cute together. I say him that I was very worried about Hal and he tells me that he is too. He adds that I'll soon understand what he feels, fear about its child. Next, Ben came to see us while running with Scott, not running for him obviously. And he explained to us.

Scott was running these tests with the transmittor, trying to see if he could block the signals between the skitters and the mecas. And today, he had a jamming signal.

- How would you even know if that worked ? Asked Tom.

- We wouldn't but, we were running some tests, going through the frequencies. I could hear it.

- It was because of Scott ?

- You heard it too ?

- Yeah. It could have been difficult not hearing it. I thought I was going crazy, or because of my pregnancy.

Then, Weaver ordered the departure, I crossed Hal's look while saying him good luck and Anthony did to me a head sign and I understood that he'll be careful to Hal.

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