Chapter 16 : Spotting and new alien

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Some were preparing to leave with Tom to carry out Porter's orders, including Hal, Elisa, and Dai. So I go to Hal to tell him to be careful and come back in one piece. Then Tom arrived to get ready.

- I know that "Weight of the world" look, dad. Said Hal. What's up ?

- What's not ? Hey, the last couple days, have either one of you guys noticed anything different about Weaver ? 

- Yeah, he's been different since I met, said Daï.

- Why, dad ?

- I don't know. Well, you were there yesterday, Eléa, when he kind of laid into Rick for no reason at all. I don't think he slept in a couple days, and sometimes when you're tired ....

- You what ? Asked Weaver coming. Go ahead. I want to hear this.

- I'm going to make the inventory of the medicines, this could be interested for the Colonel.

Pdv Hal

My father pointed out to Weaver that he wasn't necessarily making the right decisions so he got carried away and decided to take Dai's place on the patrol today. Weaver and my father went a little further and argued, not argued, and I learned that Captain Weaver was in the building after leaving the army.

Pdv Ben

Anne wanted to see me and Elea for some reason. She told us that it was for a control visit, to see how the post-harnessing process was going.

Pdv Anne

While checking Elea and Ben, I noticed that at the ends of their stems, a kind of new skin was beginning. But not in the good sense of the word, it looks like the skin of skitters. I press it with a scalpel but nothing, they don't hurt. I was worried but I don't show them and tell them they can get dressed.

- I thought he was getting better, too. Said Ben talking about Rick.

- He is, physically. The truth is, with his father gone, there really isn't a place for him in the gym anymore.

- Because he was harnessed, like us. You don't have to lie. We know they're afraid of us.

- Eléa. A few maybe, but not everyone. What worries me the most is Rick's attitude. He never talks about his father. It's like his death barely registered.

- My dad said soldiers get this thing .... a thousand-yard stare. Maybe we could talk to him.

- I think that would be great, Ben. What Rick needs more than anything now is friends.

Pdv Hal

We observe the structure of the skitters wondered to what it could be used. Weaver noticed that the aliens had the same build base than humans, so we could kill them. Observing the pillars of the structure, I noticed something's wierd so I tell about it to my dad and Weaver. They both watched what I was talking about and saw this.

 They both watched what I was talking about and saw this

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It wasn't an alien like the others, but more a human. It seemed like the skitters are under its orders. A ship flew above us so we decided to not stay here and moving.

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