Chapter 12 : The escape

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Tessa hesitated to answer Hal's question.

- I-I was gonna talk to them about you, fix it so that you could stay.

- Go, go. ......How could think one single moment that I would have wanted to stay here and give up the 2nd Mass, my family and Eléa ?

- I thought that with me you could have forgotten her.

I catch Hal's hand and we go down the stairs but Tessa calls her father saying that we were leaving. The minute after that, while we were leaving out of this place, Clayton's men get out with their weapons to chase and stop us. Clayton told them to keep alive the youngest ones. We ran to the forest when men of Clayton shot at us, I took Clara in my arms Hal took Matt in his own to go faster. At the exit of the farm, Mike started to shoot at them while we kept on running to the forest. Mike and Rick hid themselves behind a car. Then, Hal said to Mike and his son to come otherwise it will be too late to run. Mike continued to shoot on the enemy.

- Mike, come on. Said Hal.

- I got this. You two keep going.

- You can't out-shoot all those guys. 

- I can try for a while. You just got to promise me you take care of Rick.

During this time, Clayton says to his men to make diversion while he'll go bypassing the car to be face to face with Mike.

- Listen Rick, no matter what happens, I love you, always. You hear me ? But you got to go. You got to run. You stay with Hal. I'll see you soon.

Hal and Rick ran to the forest to join us while Mike keep them busy. Tessa's father asked if he thought he was just somehow better than them.

- They harnessed my son ! I know what they're doing to these children ! Maybe I can't stop it, but I sure as hell I won't be a part of it ! Said Mike before shooting again at them.

Then, Clayton appears in front of Mike saying that everyone can't be saved.

We were in the forest running to escape from them when we heard a fire shot. At this moment, I saw that Hal and Rick were coming back. And I understood that Clayton and his men just had killed Mike. To this thought, I don't know for what reason, but I felt the tears flowing. Actually yes, I know, Mike was a good man and didn't deserve to die like this. And I also thought about Rick who just lost his father. I was stopped myself to walk, then Hal comes behind me to take me in his arms.

- Hal, said I sadly.

- I know, don't worry. It's going to be okay.

- What was the fire shot ? Asked Matt.

- It was probably Mike who was shooting at Clayton's men, I reply him.

Then, Matt went to join the others.

- Please Hal. Tell me that what I've just said to your brother is true ? I said with tears in my eyes. 

- I'm so sorry. 

Then, he took me in his arms so comforting that I could stay in it all my life. We've walked the whole night and we were exhausted. We arrived in a block so american after me. A block where I could imagine kids playing with a ball, or biking or just talking on the proch of the houses. I was in front with Hal, Ben and Elisa.

- I haven't heard anything in a while, said Elisa.

- Maybe we lost them. Adds Hal.

- It's still a long way back to the school. What do you think, Hal ?

- They're about to fall over. Better it happens inside than out. Let's go this way. 

We saw a beautiful house and I think that it's perfect to rest, especially for the kids who are really exhausted from the road.

- How's Mike gonna find us ?

- Don't worry, Matt. He told us to keep moving, he's gonna try to catch up , all right ?

- Okay. 

- All right, everybody. We're gonna hole up here for a couple of hours. Then, we're gonna move out, said Elisa.

With Elisa, we are gone to put the children to bed and they're all fell of sleep. They were really exhausted. Then, I saw a piano, it's been a long time since I didn't play it. I started to play one of the piece that were in the book of partitions. While I played, I was taking care of the house and its surrounding. In the corner of my eye, I noticed that Ben watched spikes of Rick and just after touched his own spikes in his neck, as he wanted to check if they were still there. Then, he went to join Hal, as me cause i've just finish to play.

- Hal ? Think they'll find us ? Ask Ben.

- They'll try. You should get some sleep. 

- I'm not tired. I should go ahead, try and get help.

- No, no. We're staying together. We get a couple hours' sleep, and then we're gonna head out. 

- They're exhausted. You're exhausted. I can move faster on my own. Let me do this.

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