Chapter 2 : The 2nd Mass

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The skitter collapsed on me, I push it back with a blow of the arm. And I see the ones who had saved our lives. I saw 6 people, 5 men and 1 woman. The woman gave me her hand, and put it and went to see if Elisa wsn't injured. After having all come to our senses, the 6 people introduced themselves. First of all, the woman who helped me to get up, a blond young woman a little older than us, then a black young man with a posture very right, I supposed he was military or cop before the attack. Next, an asian man about thirty who was standing next to Elisa, then 3 others men that stayed should be of the same family because they had something familiar between them. And there, I couldn't prevent me to think about my own family, which I didn't have any news since the invasion. The older, forty, should be the father, he was tall, then there was a young boy, maybe a littl eyounger than us, blond with brown eyes. Then, the last one should be having our age, He was well built, had brown hair as his eyes. 

- Are you okay ? 

- Hum ... Yeah, we're fine. 

- What's your names. 

Elisa, distrustful like at her habit, don't answer. So, I'm talking. 

- I'm Eléa and this is Elisa.

- And you, who are you ? 

- I'm Tom Mason, says the forty man, and those are my two sons, Ben and Hal. 

- I'm Maggie, says the woman. And them, it's Anthony and Daï. 

- What were you doing here ?

- That's not obvious, mister Mason ?

- Call me Tom. 

- If you want. 

- Can you calm down, Elisa ? 

- Why do you want me to calm down ? 

- Maybe because they're just saved our lives ? 

- Maybe they did it to deliver us to the skitters next. 

- Are you serious ? 

- I am very serious. 

- Hum. We're not collabo. We're part of the 2nd Mass of the Massachusetts, says Ben. 

- 2nd Mass of what ? 

- Resistance, answers her Daï. 

- If you want, you can join us. 

- And in what will it be helpful for us ? 

- You would have something to eat, sleep and a real doctor, says Tom watching the wound of Elisa. 

- It is Eléa who treats me and she does it very well.

- I'm not saying she's not. 

- Can you excuse us just ... 2 minutes ? 

- Yeah, sure. says Ben.

We moved away from the group. 

- Listen Elisa, maybe we should join the resistance. 

- Why ? We're managing things very well together. 

- That's right but ......

- But what ? 

- But I don't know how much times we could handle like this. If we getting attacked and that we're both injured, we might not be able to treat. 

- You did it for 5 months, didn't you ? 

- Yeah, but Elisa, I'm not a doctor. Not so much time ago, I was just an high schooler travelling with her best friends, like you. 

- Do you think we can trust them ? 

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