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"Why can't I do it!?" Hyunjae yelled in frustration as he threw a fit, letting his inner anger take over as he punched the thick walls of the quiet library.

"Calm down! Even if there aren't people here anymore, doesn't mean you throw a fit here! Seriously..." Younghoon scolded his friend as he watch him fall down the ground with his knees first, feeling very hopeless as nothing he thought would work, worked.

"I just can't believe that I lived my whole life being limited, it sucks." Hyunjae broke down on the floor, his bestfriend comforting him as the light elementalist felt everything getting duller.

...or was it?

"Uhh Hyunjae? Why are you glowing?" Younghoon blurted out as he backed away for abit to see Hyunjae's whole body getting taken over by light.

"What do you mea-" Hyunjae was about to question Younghoon until he saw his own hands, radiating light as he himself glowed. He was quite taken aback but is then now amazed by the event.

Hyunjae closed his eyes as he felt the surging brightness of the light within him, seeing everything in a whole new point of view.

Ofcourse, Hyunjae wanted to try using the new power he has been granted with. He gathered energy from his palm as it was lit brighter than the stars shining from the windows outside.

"I don't think this is a good idea to use your spells here in the library Hyun-" Before Younghoon could even speak, Hyunjae released a powerful light beam shooting up to the ceiling, creating a big hole that crumbled upon them as they realized, they were fucked.

"Hyunjae what have you done!" Younghoon's eyes widened as Hyunjae flinched from his own actions, fear and regret coursing through his veins as he realized what he has done.

Before Hyunjae could even speak, a dark mist ran across the hall near the library, meaning, a dark elementalist was around.

"Great now we're double fucked. Come on, lets get out of here now!" Younghoon told Hyunjae as he grabbed the latter's hand, using his air utility to get out of their own mess. Flying out the window, they escaped without looking back. As they got farther, Hyunjae's glow got dimmer and duller.


Juyeon, a dark elementalist was sent to the prestigious school of elementalist, also known by its name Elementalist Academy. Juyeon scoffed as he walked down along the dark hallways, trying to find the school's library and take the Hourglass of Wisdom.

He questioned why the leader sent him to do this task. Admitting it himself, he is the weakest dark elementalist in his group.

Still, he was thankful that the leader trusted him, but in reality he's scared that he knows that he'll just disappoint the superior.

As he walked down the hallway, he felt power surging inside his body. The feeling made Juyeon grow feral as he lurked in the darkness.

He heard a voice coming from a nearby room. Curious, Juyeon approached closer and hid besides the door. Seeing the door's sign, he was at the library.

Light was very prominent as it lit very brightly. Assuming there was a light elementalist inside, he stayed back for awhile, just eavesdropping.

When all of a sudden, a beam of radiating light shot thru the ceiling, making Juyeon get shaken up a bit in response.

He used the moment as he casted a dark mist that would help him make his entrance, dulling the light out and to scare the people present, letting them know that his presence is there as well.

The light was getting dimmer and dimmer, like the dark mist he casted getting weaker amd weaker as it faded away.

Confused, he entered the library completely alone. His eyes wandered for the object he was looking for and alas, the Hourglass of Wisdom was in sight.

Smirking, he walked towards it and took it gently, examining the glowing hourglass.

All of a sudden, an alarming and loud sound was heard from the halls and throughout the school. Juyeon knew he needed to exit now.

He was trained for these moments so he knew what to do. Emitting a cloud of darkness, he made a swift exit no one can see.

He was quite shocked how easy the deed was for him, but his mainly thinking about the events before he has entered the library itself.

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Stan Chungha and The Boyz!

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