Chapter 1: Tragedy part 1

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Percy's POV:

"That was so cool!" I exclaimed we had just left the amusement park and we're heading home in the car. My mom and stepdad looked back and smiled at me and my sister Estelle. "I'm glad you guys liked it!" my mom replied. "Now who wants to take out!" we all cheered. We stopped at McDonald's and got take out then started driving in back home. 

We finally got home and got to eat our food which was so delicious! "Alright time for bed!" mom called. 

I sighed, " do we have tooooooooo?" I whined. "Yes you have to, it's way past your bed time." my mom said, then looked at Estelle who signed that she also didn't want to go to bed. Yes my sister is mute we don't really know why she just slowly stopped talking till she didn't talk at all so we all learned sign language so she could still communicate with us and without having to talk and we would know what she wanted to say.

 "Sorry but it's time for bed both of you alright." mom said. "Finnnneeee," I said with a sigh. "Alright you two go brush your teeth, get our PJ's on and get in bed then we'll come up and say good night alright!" she said. I nodded and grabbed Estelle's hand and helped her up the stairs to her bedroom. I put my PJ's on and brushed my teeth and jumped into bed.

 "Mommy I'm done you can say good night now!" I yelled. "Alright, I'm coming up!" she yelled back. I wriggled under the covers just as she and daddy got up here. "Night buddy love you see you in the morning!" mom and dad said then they both kissed my forehead and walked out turning the lights off on the way out. "Night, love you!" I called back. I laid back on my bed and fell asleep dreaming happy dreams.

Tony's POV:

"Pep, I'm going out for a bit," I yelled. "Okay just be careful and don't stay out too late or else," she yelled back. She didn't need to finish her sentence because I knew from experience what she would do. I stepped into the Iron Man suit and flew off. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, " I asked. 

"Yes, boss there's a bank being robbed on (insert any address I can't come up with one so you guys can fill it in)." she said. "Alright on my way call 9-1-1 so they can pick them up once I've finished with them," I said. "Yes boss," she said. I flew toward the bank and found the guys and took care of them. "Boss 9-1-1 should be here in a few moments." she said.

 "Got it." I said. "Boss a fire just started on (again please insert some address) there is currently two kids and two adults still in there. The building is on the verge of collapsing." she said. "Alright I'm on my way alert the fire department now." I said. "On it boss".

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