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    After Sykkunk won that round, Bingus decided to steal Sykkunk's spot and stream himself playing Amoung You But Not Me. Bimbus was jealous that Bingus got to stream and he didn't, so he complained to Sykkunk "I wanna stream". Sykkunk felt bad, so he made Randall give up his spot so Bimbus could stream. 

    After a few minutes of streaming, they decided to go to the dentist to get hot dogs because they were all really full. Once they got there, they decided to go to the grocery store because Randall needed gas. While Randall was drinking his newly bought gas, he remembered something:

   He still didn't have the tire.  'I'll get it before I head back to the truck' he thought. 

      After drinking the gas, Randall remembered that it was Tuesday a few a couple and a half weeks ago, which meant Blobfishy would come later that day, so he quickly returned to his truck and had a few seconds of conversation with him while Sykkunk streamed himself playing war (the card game) with Bimbus.

      After a few seconds of chatting with Blobfishy, Randall headed back into town because he still needed those tires. Sykkunk won the game of war against Bimbus after a few hours, and by that time Randall had made it to his truck and was almost back to town. Randall decided that he wanted to play a game of war with Sykkunk for fun because, although Randall was really good, Sykkunk was a pro. 

    Sykkunk and Randall met up again and played war for a couple days off stream before Bimbus inevitably won even though he wasn't playing. Randall was tired, so he decided to drink some coffee, but then he remembered that he was allergic to bananas, so he couldn't drink it. He was still tired, though, so he just laid face down on the pavement and stared at the ground because that's what I do when I'm tired. 

   He got up after a few days, but when he looked around, Sykkunk was gone!!


  Why does this have any reads?!  XD

Randall and Da LlamaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin