No idea what this is

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       In the town of San Diego, Alabama, in the great country of New Dallas, there was a Yer Mom Doll factory that made the highest quality Yer Mom Dolls in the entire tristate area, except they weren't as good as the ones in the rest of the tristate area. 

      Now, working as a truck driver for the Yer Mom Doll factory was a YouTuber named Randall. Despite having a full time job as a YouTuber, Randall was still a full and a half time truck driver. Obviously, as a truck driver, he needed some dogs to keep him company on the short 20 hour drives across the small town, but he only had 2847 of them. Thankfully, he had his friend Blobfishy the blob fish, who would sometimes on Tuesdays stop by and ask how gravity was, to keep him company. 

      One day, Randall was driving to the Llama TP factory (idk why, he works for Yer Mom and he was listening to a mashup of one of his songs, Agoraphobic; The Entertainment's Here, by AJR; and Toes, by Glass Animals. 

     Before he knew what was happening, one of his tires on his 762 foot long semi truck exploded, and the semi jumped up, turned itself upside down and then hovered upside-down in mid air for a few years. Randall, who was quite used to this, stepped out of the upside down vehicle and proceeded to check the exploded tire. After deeming the tire irrifixable, he decided to take the 196 minute long walk into town to buy a replacement. 

    When he was walking by a ditch, a Toy Yoda (yes I did that on purpose) came out from the corner so fast that he barely had time to react. He quickly dove into the ditch to his right, barely escaping being hit. He fell for 5 hours to get to the bottom of the 1mm deep ditch, and he hit the bottom with a splash because it was lime juice. "Spicey!!" he exclaimed as some of the koolaid got into his mouth AND he saw there was a cactus stuck in his thigh!! (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!)


Play all the videos at the same time. They do not go together. Every mistake in this book is on perpus.

Please don't ask. (355 words)

Randall and Da LlamaWhere stories live. Discover now